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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Shivapuri Journal is Army Command and Staff College’s official annual publication. This journal publishes papers on issues and topics in various areas, including arts, sports, culture, archeology, history, politics, governance, psychology, strategic studies, military studies, national security, conflict and development, international relations and international law. It is a peer reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal and follows the general principles of publications in the humanities and social sciences.
The Shivapuri Journal publishes research articles annually both in hard copies and online to encourage scholarship and knowledge production in humanities and social sciences. Moreover, articles submitted to the publishers are evaluated based on the publisher designated criteria and rubrics of evaluation. The Shivapuri Journal Editorial Board accepts original research articles, innovative papers, book reviews and book reports on topical issues and intellectual debates from prospective authors in diverse fields.
Publication Frequency
The Shivapuri Journal is published annually.
Open Access Policy
The Shivapuri Journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Peer Review Process
After the article is accepted, The Shivapuri Journal uses double blind peer review process during publication. Please ensure that the entire text of the manuscript except the title page is blinded and doesn't contain any information that identifies the author/s or their affiliated institutions.
The Shivapuri Journal Editorial Board conducts initial screening of manuscripts submitted for the publication. The Board can first ask the author to revise the paper if necessary. After the approval, all articles submitted for publication go through a double blind peer review process.
Major procedures after the submission of the article
- Step 1–Initial screening by the Editorial Board: after the initial screening, editors shall send the draft back to the author for corrections, minor or major, to meet the requirements of the journal in case the paper is acceptable.
- Step 2 –the author is expected to revise his or her article based on the feedback from the Editorial Board.
- Step 3 –the Editorial Board shall send the article to a couple of peer reviewers for further procedures. The reviewer makes the judgment based on Guidelines for Reviewers. Reviewers shall make these remarks on the paper:
- Acceptance
- Acceptance with minor revision
- Acceptance with moderate revision
- Acceptance with major revision
- Rejection
- Step 4 –the Editorial Board decides the acceptance or rejection of the article based on the reviewers’ recommendation. It also rejects sensational, emotionally charged and ideologically motivated articles for individual security and institutional interests.
- The Editorial Board has the full discretion to accept or reject the article on genuine grounds and as per recommendations made by the peer reviewers. The Board and Publisher also use their prerogatives to accept or reject the reviewed articles. Editors in consultation with the Publisher accept or reject those articles. In case of controversial issues in any section of the article can considerably be eliminated, modified, or updated in due respect to the Publishing Institution, Army Command and Staff College.
- In any condition, the publisher and Editorial Board shall not be obliged to return the rejected manuscript/s to the author/s on any ground.
The Shivapuri Journal is published by the Nepali Army Command and Staff College.