About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण is an annual publication of the Department of Nepali Education, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Its objective is to study and research various aspects of Nepali language teaching and disseminate the results and issues arising from such research. It aims to contribute to the scholarship of linguistic researchers and enhance the quality of Nepali education. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to publish research-based articles, exploring innovative aspects of Nepali education.

Editorial Policy
The Sampeshan journal publishes original articles written in Nepali, focusing on various aspects of Nepali education contributed by researchers and scholars from Nepal and abroad. The journal may include research papers, practical experiences, reviewed articles, short notes, field notes, book reviews, meeting reports, and professional announcements. At the discretion of the editorial board, creative reviews, discussions, and topics of relevance and interest to readers will also be published. Research articles between 3,000 to 5,000 words are accepted for this journal.

Publication Frequency

Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण is published annually

Open Access Policy

Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण is a double-blind peer reviewed journal. The submitted articles are screened by the editors as the first step of review. Then, the selected articles are sent to the reviewers to review them. Each article is sent to the two reviewers to review. The reviewers can reject the articles. Finally, the editorial board makes decision to publish the articles. It can also reject the articles.

Guidelines for Authors

  1. Articles submitted for publication in Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण must not have been published or submitted elsewhere.
  2. Articles should be typed in Preeti font with a font size of 16 and must be prepared in Microsoft Word format.
  3. Tables, figures, maps, and appendices included in the article should be appropriately placed and formatted.
  4. References should follow the APA 6th edition citation style.
  5. A complete list of cited references should be provided at the end of the article.

This journal contributes original works in the following five areas:

  • Research on Nepali education.
  • Study and exploration in the field of the Nepali language.
  • Research based on various aspects of Nepali language teaching.
  • Study of practical aspects of Nepali language teaching, among others.

Publication Fees

There is no publication fee for authors wishing to publish their articles in Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण. The entire publication cost is borne by the Department of Nepali Education, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur.


The views expressed in articles published in Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण are solely those of the authors. As only minor editorial adjustments are made by the editorial team, the authors are fully responsible for the originality of their work.


Sampreshan सम्प्रेषण is published by the Department of Nepali Education, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. See www.tuneped.com.