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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Rupantaran (रुपान्तरण) is the annual publication of the Research Management Cell (RMC), Dhankuta Multiple Campus, Dhankuta, Nepal. As a platform for the publication of research works and articles, the journal aims to stimulate academic authors to disseminate the experiences and findings of their research studies. It is a multi-disciplinary journal that contains empirical research articles of the scholars from different disciplines and fields such as education, humanities and social sciences, management, and science and technology.
Publication Frequency
Rupantaran (रुपान्तरण) is published annually.
Peer-Review Process
Rupantaran (रुपान्तरण) is a blind peer-reviewed journal. The main review criteria for the acceptance of the article are whether the paper: (i) is a unique/important and useful contribution to the relevant national/international debate; (ii) effectively communicates ideas and concept; (iii) contains relevant contents technically correct with the general statement adequately referred and cited; and (iv) includes the conclusions derived on the basis of results and discussion appeared in the paper.
In the reviewing process, all the submitted manuscripts are screened by the editorial board at first, and are sent to independent experts in concerned field of specialization. A standard guideline based on the review criteria mentioned above will be circulated to the reviewers with three options for the decision i) accepted unconditionally ii) accepted after revisions and iii) rejected. Those manuscripts which are marked as accepted after revisions are sent again to the corresponding author for improvement with addressing all the comments and suggestion made by the peer reviewers. The editorial board of the journal will check the revised version of the manuscript and may ask corresponding author again to make necessary amendments. The manuscripts which fulfill the processes and found okay are accepted for publication in the journal. The manuscripts marked as rejected by any one of the reviewers will be rejected by the editorial board for the publication and authors will be informed. The submitted articles if not published in the journal will not be returned to the author.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Rupantaran (रुपान्तरण) is published by the Research Management Cell (RMC) of Dhankuta Multiple Campus, Dhankuya, Province-1, Nepal.
Contact phone: 026 522239