Established in 2007 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Tribhuvan University Central Library.
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The NVJ publishes original works pertaining to the broader areas of veterinary science, other allied sciences including public health, fisheries, environment and crosscutting issues. Full length original papers, reviews, short communications, reports, news and letters resulting from original research, investigation and observations in the field of animal health, management, processing and marketing of animal produce, veterinary public health, animal and public health policies, animal husbandry, veterinary education, animal welfare, one health, climate change, geographic information system and other relevant areas which may lead to improved health, productivity and welfare status of animals, and promotion and preservation of human and environmental health are welcomed. The journal encourages and publishes articles based on the work carried out in Nepal and South Asia, however research conducted elsewhere with relevance to developing countries are also accepted.
Audience: Veterinarians, Veterinary paraprofessionals, Microbiologists, Animal scientists, Environmental scientists, and Public Health professionals in research, public sector and industries, policy makers and progressive farmers are the target audiences of this journal. Apart from them, any individuals with different backgrounds interested in veterinary science and allied disciplines in Nepal and abroad are also NVJ’s broader audiences.
Authors are required to transfer their copyright to the Nepal Veterinary Association.
Previous Title
Bulletin of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
Publication Frequency
The NVJ is publised annually.
Peer-Review Process
- Once the article is received, the Editor-in-chief or editorial office will code it (give a number) and send email confirmation of article reception to all co-authors.
- Editor-in-chief or editorial office will forward the article to one of the editorial board members for the initiation of review process.
- The assigned editor will send the article to at least two reviewers for peer-review. Reviewers are requested to declare if they have any potential conflict of interests with the paper they are requested to review.
- Reviewer should have at least Masters or PhD degree and be working in the relevant field.
- Provide 1-month time for review.
- Send the reviewer’s guidelines together with the article to the reviewer.
- NVJ uses a single blind review system i.e. the author does not know the reviewer, but the reviewer knows the authors.
- Once the reviewer’s comments are received, editor will compile them, make a decision on the article and forward it to the Editor-in-chief or editorial office. The decision at this time can be:
- Accept
- Major revision
- Minor revision
- Reject but allow resubmission
- Reject
- The Editor-in-chief or editorial office will communicate the editor’s decision and reviewer’s comments to the corresponding author of the article. Provide 1-month time for resubmission if the decision is ‘reject but allow resubmission’.
- Once the authors resubmit articles after modifications, the Editor-in-chief or editorial office will forward it to the same editor who handled it previously.
- The editor will go through the resubmitted article and send it for review to the same reviewers if necessary and after reviewer’s suggestions forwards the decision to the Editor-in-Chief:
- Accept
- Minor revisions
- Reject
- The Editor-in-chief or editorial office will send the final decision information to the corresponding author.
Price of Print Copies
The charge for hard copies of NVJ is NRs 500 for Nepalese nationals and US$20 for nationals of other countries.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its online content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Nepalese Veterinary Journal is pubished by the Nepal Veterinary Association.
Sources of Support
NVJ obtains support from membership fees from the Veterinarians of the Nepal Veterinary Association and advertisements in the printed copies of the journal.