About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report is a half-yearly journal devoted to the publication of original research work in the fields of mathematics and its applications. This journal aims to present recent advances in the area of pure and applied mathematics to specialized readers and to provide a platform to researchers in related fields for publishing their works.

The journal publishes original research works, research notes, and research expository and survey articles, selected via a stringent peer review process, in all fields of mathematics and mathematical sciences. Research works intended for publication must contain novel and previously unpublished materials conforming to the accepted international standards.

Exchange with other journals of mathematics and mathematical sciences is highly welcome.

Publication Frequency

The journal publishes two issues a year.

Information for Authors

The submission of manuscripts can be made via email to the Editor-in-Chief. The email addresses are chet.bhatta@cdmath.tu.edu.np and  chetbhatta0@gmail.com. Only LaTeX typeset manuscripts with an even number of pages (not exceeding 16 pages), in general, are considered for further processing. A LaTeX template, for this purpose, can be found at www.journal.cdmathtu.edu.np/sample-paper-template.html.


There is no article processing or publication charge. The APC is free to any author. The contributors, whose works are published in the journal, will get two copies of the journal without any payment. Additional reprints may be ordered by paying extra charges.

Subscription Price of the Journal (per Volume):

Subscription Type

Inside SAARC Countries

Outside SAARC Countries


US $10 (or equivalent)

US $20 (or equivalent)


US $20 (or equivalent)

US $30 (or equivalent)

The student rate of the Journal is Rs 200 per volume. A discount of 25% is offered to the life members of the Nepal Mathematical Society. The previous volumes of the Journal are also available at current prices.

All cheques/drafts, for the related payments, are to be drawn in favour of "The Central Department of Mathematics, Kirtipur, Tribhuvan University” to be collected at the A/C. No. 04500100099022000001 (Nepal Bank Ltd., Kirtipur branch).

Copyright Policy

The Nepali Math. Sci. Rep. strongly follows the policy on simultaneous submission and the scientific copyright policy. Authors should ensure, in writing, that the submitted manuscript to this journal is an original work and is not submitted to/considered for a possible publication in any other journal(s) during its review (which takes at most two months, in general) and publication processes. Once a manuscript is accepted by or published in The Nepali Math. Sci. Rep., it becomes the property of the journal whose permission is mandatory for any operations covered by the Copyright Act.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report is published by the Central Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.