Dermatological Manifestations in Cancer Patients: A Hospital Based Study


  • Deeptara Pathak Thapa Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital, Attarkhel, Gokarneshwor-8, Kathmandu, Nepal



Cancer, chemotherapy, cutaneous metastasis, infection


Skin can show various manifestations in patients suffering with malignancy, which may be specific or non specific. In absence of any available literature on this issue, we conducted this study to know the dermatological conditions affecting Nepalese patients with malignancy. A total of 62 patients who were referred for dermatological consultation both from out-patient department and in-patient department of Nepal Cancer Hospital were included in this study. Data including demographic variables, type of malignancy, duration since diagnosis, chemotherapeutic agents administered and dermatological manifestation were recorded. The frequency of Dermatological manifestation in cancer patients was found to be 0.41%. There were 56% females and 44% males. Mean age of presentation was 44 years. These patients had primary malignancy as carcinoma breast in 31%, lung carcinoma 21%, carcinoma colon 16%, carcinoma rectum 8%, carcinoma pancreas 7% and 3% each had carcinoma prostate, carcinoma stomach, carcinoma ovary and oral carcinoma and Ewing sarcoma. The mean duration of presentation of primary carcinoma was 8 months. The most frequent dermatoses was eczema in 39%, followed by infection 25%, pruritus 14%, insect bite hypersensitivity 3.2%, disorder of pilosebaceous unit 3.2%, urticaria 3.2%, pigmentary changes 3.2%, nail involvement 3.2%, drug rash 2%, vesiculo-blistering disorder 2% and cutaneous metastasis in 2%. In absence of screening program, we found a very low frequency of cutaneous manifestation in patients with malignancy in our study. We recommend a prospective long term follow-up study with institution of screening and awareness program.


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Author Biography

Deeptara Pathak Thapa, Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital, Attarkhel, Gokarneshwor-8, Kathmandu, Nepal

Assistant Professor, Departm,ent of Dermatology




How to Cite

Thapa, D. P. (2018). Dermatological Manifestations in Cancer Patients: A Hospital Based Study. Nepal Medical College Journal, 20(4), 128–132.



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