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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Nepalese Management and Research (JNMR) publishers articles such as empirical, methodological and theoretical as well as conceptual research. The journal accepts research articles from management, social science, science and technology, education and medicine, etc., for the publications.
Publication Frequency
JNMR is published annually.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Editorial Policy
Manuscripts should be sent through e-mail and may be in Nepali or English language. The article should be prepared by the author according to the guidelines prepared by the editorial board. All the articles submitted are subject to editing by the editorial board. The author has the full ownership over the views expressed in the article and does not reflect the views of the editorial board or publishers. The article should be original and should not be previously published. The manuscript should conform to the publication manual APA or MLA.
Journal of Nepalese Management and Research (JNMR) retains the copyright on the published articles.
Peer Review Policy
The Graduate School of Management issues a notice for the article collection. Generally, one article is sent to one reviewer. The Editorial Board is the final decision maker.
Publisher and Source of Support
The Journal of Nepalese Management and Research is published by the Graduate School of Management, Mid-West University, Surkhet, Nepal.