Established in 2007 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Tribhuvan University Central Library.
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Nepal Biotechnology Association (J. Nepal Biotech. Assoc.) is an annual scientific publication of the Nepal Biotechnology Association. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on different fields of Biotechnology. The Editorial Board reserves all the rights to accept or reject the submitted papers. The manuscript submitted should not be previously submitted for publication elsewhere. The Journal of Nepal Biotechnology Association will accept the following contributions:
- Research article: It should include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. Paper submitted for publication should not exceed 10 printed pages (except table and figures).
- Review article: It should include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Author Defined Sections/Subsections, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. Paper submitted for publication should not exceed 15 printed pages (except tables and figures).
- Research note: It should include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Main body (includes Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion) and References. The main body should not have any titles/subtitles and should not be subdivided into sections. The length of the paper should not exceed 2 printed pages including the references.
Peer Review Policy
Journal has a peer-review system for each submitted article. There are at least 2 reviewers in involved in each paper. Peer-review takes 1 month+. It is double-blind. The editorial board has made decision for publication for each paper.
Publication Frequency
The Journal of Nepal Biotechnology Association is published annually.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Sources of Support
The Nepal Biotechnology Association has supported the publication fund.
The journal is published by the Nepal Biotechnology Association.
About the Nepal Biotechnology Association
Nepal Biotechnology Association (NBA) is the pioneer non-profit professional organization established on October 07, 1988, with the motto “Serve the nation by Biotechnology”. The NBA primarily focuses on emerging biotechnological breakthroughs for the advancement of agriculture, medicine, pharmaceutical, environment, industry, food, and allied fields of biotechnology in the country. The association is a group of eminent active professionals from the field of biology, molecular biology, biotechnology, and industry who are contributing to the enhancement of biotechnology in the country. The national and international professional meets including conferences, seminars, workshops, talks and publications of ‘Journal of Nepal Biotechnology Association (JNBA)’, and the NBA newsletter are the key scientific activities of the association. The NBA acknowledges renowned scientists, researchers, innovators, and students with distinguished awards annually to cherish their achievements and contribution to the field of biotechnology.