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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The aim of the Journal of Emerging Management Studies (JEMS) is to facilitate rethinking of knowledge, theory, and practice through the publication of cutting-edge research papers in the areas of business studies and allied disciplines such as economics, finance, human resource, business communication, marketing, general management, business-related IT, globalization, investment and trade. Our belief is that our publications will appeal to both scholars and professionals alike. Hence, our efforts go into ensuring that each paper published in Journal of Emerging Management Studies offers a significant contribution to business literature, remains technically well-crafted and of interest to management scholars and professionals alike. We accept research articles and case studies that question existing knowledge, seek novel ideas and focus on business and management challenges.
Publication Frequency
JEMS publishes two issues a year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Price for Hard Copies
Price Rs. 600, US$ 15 (outside Nepal)
Contact: DAV College (DAV Research Management Cell)
Bhanimandal, Dhobighat, Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel: 977-01-5433044, 5423782
Peer Review Policy
Basic Check
An editor on the Editorial Board examines an article to see if it meets the Journal's aim and scope. Manuscripts that are outside the scope of the journal are rejected. Articles that have been published in whole or in part in other media or websites will not be considered or approved.
Similarity Check
All submitted manuscripts are subject to a plagiarism check. To check for similarities to previously published works, we use Turnitin or a comparable application. The similarity percentage should not exceed 20%. Plagiarized manuscripts are automatically rejected.
Peer Review
For peer review, we employ a double-blind approach in which both reviewers and writers remain anonymous. A second round of peer review may be initiated in some exceptional situations, based on the suggestions of editors and reviewers. Thus, there will be two reviewers for a single paper. Usually, a reviewer takes 20 days for reviewing process.
Acceptance/Rejection Decision
The average score given by reviewers is used to determine whether or not an article should be accepted. A manuscript is graded on a scale of 1 to 10 by the reviewers. The manuscript must have an average score of at least 5 in order to be approved for publication. When the editor or reviewer believes the submission is not acceptable for publication, a manuscript with a score higher than 5 may be rejected by the Editor.
After Acceptance
The article's approval will be communicated to the corresponding authors via email. Significant modifications to the article will be considered only with the Editor's consent.
The Journal of Emerging Management Studies is published by DAV College, Dhobighat, Lalitpur, Nepal.