People Perception on Business Opportunities of Banana Restaurants of Tikapur: Evidence from Structural Equation Modelling


  • Bharat Jung Singh Quest International College, Pokhara University
  • Niranjan Devkota Kathmandu Model College, Pokhara University
  • Krishna Dhakal Quest International College, Pokhara University
  • Surendra Mahato Nepal Commerce Campus, Tribhuvan University
  • Udaya Raj Paudel Quest International College, Pokhara University



Banana Restaurant, Business Opportunity, Consumer Perception, Structural Equation Modelling


Banana restaurant is a new concept in Nepal where the products are made using banana only which gives the first mover advantage in product development and has less explored in Nepal. Therefore, this study aims to analyse consumers’ perception and business opportunity of banana restaurant in Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal. This study adopted explanatory research, and 203 samples were collected from consumers of banana restaurants. In addition, data were collected using structured questionnaire by using KOBO Toolbox. Thus, the obtained data were analysed by using both descriptive and inferential methods. Findings indicate that consumers perceive products of banana restaurant positively and are enjoying the variety of products. Likewise, SEM results indicate that psychological, economic and social characteristics are significant to innovativeness and risk taking, whereas innovativeness and risk taking are significant to managerial performance. Banana restaurant has been contributing with local employment and shows the high level of business opportunity of the banana products in the market of Tikapur (Kailali, Western Nepal).


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Author Biographies

Bharat Jung Singh, Quest International College, Pokhara University

Singh is a student of Quest International College, Lalitpur.

Niranjan Devkota, Kathmandu Model College, Pokhara University

Dr. Devkota is with Kathmandu Model College, Pokhara University, Kathmandu.

Krishna Dhakal, Quest International College, Pokhara University

Dhakal is with Quest Research Management Cell, Quest International College, Lalitpur.

Surendra Mahato, Nepal Commerce Campus, Tribhuvan University

Dr. Mahato is with Nepal Commerce Campus, Tribhuvan University.

Udaya Raj Paudel, Quest International College, Pokhara University

Poudel is with Quest International College, Lalitpur.




How to Cite

Singh, B. J., Devkota, N., Dhakal, K., Mahato, S., & Paudel, U. R. (2022). People Perception on Business Opportunities of Banana Restaurants of Tikapur: Evidence from Structural Equation Modelling. Journal of Business and Social Sciences Research, 7(2), 47–66.


