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About the Journal
The Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences (EJMS) is an indexed, peer-reviewed, international medical journal, published biannually in both online (eISSN:2717-4654) and printed version (pISSN:2717-4646). The Journal is an official publication of Nirvana Psychosocial Care Center & Research Institute ...... Explore More ++
Abstracting and Indexing Information
Currently, EJMS is indexed and associated with the following partners:
Google Scholar, Nepal Medline (NepMed), CrossRef (doi:10.46405/ejms), Nepal Journal Online (NepJol), Schematic Scholar, Index Copernicus, Academia, and Publons.
Frequency of Publication
EJMS is a biannual medical journal. It has two issues per year; January-June and July-December. Each issue will be a running issue, and all officially accepted manuscripts after peer-review will be immediately published online. Running issue concept gives the authors the benefit of "Zero Waiting Time" for the officially accepted manuscripts to be published.
EJMS aims at publishing innovative, high-quality researches that significantly contribute to enhancing scientific knowledge. We accept manuscripts from all fields of medical and allied health sciences in the form of Original Research Articles; Review Articles, Short Communications; Clinical ...... Explore More ++
EJMS adopts the two-tier system of review; first-tier review is done by the editorial team and second-tier double-blind peer-review is done by 2-4 experts of related fields. When a manuscript is submitted to the journal, it is first assessed by editors in first-tier review and assessed to see if it is of sufficient quality and meets the criteria for submission. If it does so, it will be sent to second-tier review by the subject expert. The editorial team will select potential peer reviewers within the field of research to peer-review the manuscript and make recommendations. ....... Explore More ++
EJMS is a gold open access journal. Author(s) as the copyright holder grants usage rights to others using an open license of Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) which allows users for immediate, free, and unrestricted access to the work and permits any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author; as long as the author and journal are properly credited. ...... Explore More ++
All articles published in the EJMS are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0) International License that allows others to copy, use, print, share, modify, and distribute the content of the article; even for commercial purpose as long as the original authors and Journal...... Explore More ++
The author(s) retain the ownership of the copyrights for their work published in EJMS without any restrictions. Upon submission, the author(s) grants EJMS a license to publish, including to display, store, copy, and reuse the published content. The corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, grants a license ...... Explore More ++
EJMS is operated under the principle of data minimization, where only the minimal amount of personal data required to carry out a task is obtained. The names and email addresses used during the manuscript submission and publication in this Journal through its website will be used exclusively ...... Explore More ++
EJMS provides long-term digital preservation through two primary partnerships, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS; leading digital preservation services worldwide. The content is preserved as an archival version and is not publicly accessible but is provided when required under specific ....... Explore More ++
The editorial board of the EJMS won't accept any manuscript with plagiarism in any form. We have established the following policy stating specific actions (penalties) when any research misconduct is identified in an article submitted for publication in the EJMS. Every manuscript submitted to ....... Explore More ++
EJMS does not charge APC (Article Processing Charge) for the initial submission, review, and publication of the manuscript both in Online and Print versions. All the editors and reviewers are working for the Journal voluntarily for the maintenance of the quality of each article published via the quality ........ Explore More ++
EJMS is a biannually published medical journal that is published both in print as well as online version. An individual author or institution can subscribe to the hard copy of the Journal. The journal subscription fee and other details are as follows ....... Explore More ++
The authors, reviewers, and readers are requested to send their feedback, comments, and suggestions to the editor-in-chief of the Journal regarding the publication. If you want to make an appeal against our editorial decision, please email us at stating the details reasons why you think the decision from the editorial office should be reconsidered. ....... Explore More ++
For further information, please visit the website of Journal. Alternatively, you can click on the following link for the other details:
- Preparation of manuscript: Author Guidelines
- Submission of the manuscript: Make an Online Submission
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- Want to be a reviewer? Register as Reviewer, Click to download Reviewer Guidelines
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