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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Birat Journal of Health Sciences (BJHS) is a tri-annual, peer-reviewed, open-access, international medical journal. BJHS is an official journal of Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital (BMCTH) with the aim of sharing information related to health sciences.
Types of articles
- Original articles
- Review articles
- Invited articles
- Case reports
- Audits
- Letters to the editor
- Medical Education
- View Point
Peer Review Process
The Birat Journal of Health Sciences (BJHS) follows a double-blind peer-review process. The peer review process generally takes five to six weeks. BJHS uses both local and international reviewers for the peer-review process.
The manuscript would be forwarded to an associate editor and two reviewers. Manuscripts that are outside the range of interest of Birat Journal of Health Sciences readership or that fail to satisfy the technical requirements would be promptly returned to authors without further review. The rejected manuscripts would be destroyed. Manuscripts returned to authors for modification should be returned back to the editorial office (duration fixed based on article). If not submitted on time, it would be not considered for publication. In case of technical problems, authors should resubmit the article after making necessary correction within one week. The editorial board reserves the right to assess suitability of the language, modify the text and improve the photographs and illustrations to enhance clarity of expression and presentation without affecting the message and meaning being conveyed by the article.
Publication Frequency
The journal publishes three issues per year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The ideas and opinions expressed by authors of articles published in full text in this Journal represents only opinions of authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of Birat Journal of Health Sciences or the institute with which the author (s) is (are) affiliated, unless so specified.
Personal: NRs. 500 per copy (NRs. 1500 annually)
Institutional NRs. 1000 per copy (NRs. 3000 annually)
SAARC Countries (Indian Rs.)
Personal: IRs. 300 per copy (IRs. 900 annually)
Institutional IRs. 600 per copy (IRs. 1800 annually)
International (US dollar)
Personal: $30 per copy ($ 90 annually)
Institutional $60 per copy ($ 180 annually)
Back Print Issue
NEPAL: NRs 500 per copy
SAARC: IRs 300 per copy
International: $ 30 per copy