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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Author Guidelines of Amrit Research Journal (ARJ)
Amrit Research Journal (ARJ) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary science journal published by Amrit Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. ARJ publishes original research papers, review articles, short communications and research reports on wide range of different subjects of Science and Technology such as botany, chemistry, computer, environment, mathematics, microbiology, physics, statistics, zoology and allied fields.
Authors are kindly requested to check final paper thoroughly before submitting – that you have fulfilled all requirements stated in the instructions.
Instructions for preparing manuscripts
- The manuscript should be well-written with precise and concise writing in grammatically correct version without any redundant words. The manuscript must be typewritten in Times New Roman-12pt font size with double spacing, justified, in A4 size paper with 1" margins around.
- The length of the paper including tables and figures should preferably not exceeding 6-12 typed pages for original article, 8-16 pages for review and 4-5 pages for short communications. The total content of the manuscript must be not less than 3000 words.
- The manuscript in word file with table(s) and figure(s) inserted in the main text in appropriate position but high quality JPEG or TIFF files should be sent separately.
- Enter the page number on every page.
- Binomial names of organisms should be spelled full in the first use.
A full-length paper should normally be divided into the following parts: Title, Authors’ names and corresponding address with email. Highlights, Abstract (not exceeding 200 words), Keywords (not exceeding 5 words), Introduction, Materials and Methods (or Models and Data), Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion or Applications), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (If the work is performed under some project, the name of funding agency and project number should be mentioned), References and Supplementary if any.
Title: Titles should represent the content of the manuscript, serve as a guide to reference librarians, and facilitate communication. It should be concise, meaningful, and clear. As far as practicable, abbreviations are not preferred in title. Subtitles may be used whenever needed. Text title should be
left aligned, 14 pt., uppercase, boldface and subtitles 12 pt. bold face, sentence case and text 12 pt., table and figure captions 10 pt. (Bold) in Times New Roman. Numbers should not be given for title and subtitle.
Author(s) name and affiliations: The full name of the author(s) should be written in 10 pt. left aligned, just below the title. Authors’ list should include only those who have made a substantial contribution to design and execution of the work and the writing of the manuscript. Author(s)
affiliations represent the official institutional address of authors. It should be typed in 10 pt. italics, left aligned, just below authors' name.
Highlights: There should be 3-5 short bullet points (sentences) which would summaries the materials, methods and findings of the research work. Each bullet point should not exceed 85 characters.
Abstract: Abstract should summarize and briefly explain the main messages of the paper. It must contain experimental question, importance, method, major findings and conclusions briefly not exceeding 200 words followed by 5 keywords. Graphical abstract is highly preferred where relevant.
Introduction: The purpose of the research should appear in the introduction. State the questions you sought to answer, and provide pertinent information of previous findings for those questions including brief literature survey. At the end paragraph, it would be appreciable if few sentences carry the sense of research hypothesis followed by a brief overview of articles (Do not use separate heading).
Materials and Methods/Experimentation: Provide sufficient information clearly to allow someone to repeat your work. Clear descriptions of the experimental design, sampling procedure and statistical tools have to be mentioned. Give the name of company and model number for equipment used (if any).
Results: Results should be stated concisely, do not misinterpret your findings.
Discussion: Differentiate the results of your study from data obtained from other secondary sources. Interpret your results, relate them to the results of previous research, and discuss the implications of your results.
Conclusions: State clearly the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of the importance, relevance and applications. By the end of the conclusion, it would be appreciable if a sentence carries some further considerations for the extension of work or future perspectives.
Acknowledgements: Acknowledge only those who have made an important contribution to the study. If the research work is supported by some grant, mention the grant number with proper designation of the corresponding institution. Many contributions justify acknowledgement such as technical help, financial support, and persons who have contributed intellectually to the development of the manuscript.
Tables, figures, Pictures, Equations The tables and figures should be clearly marked with self- explanatory notes and figure legends. Figure and table captions should be given below and above respectively. Figures and illustrations are expected in JPEG/TIFF (at least 300 dpi resolutions) format. Each figure and table should be linked with the text. Figure and Table number should be in sequence, using Arabic numerals – i.e. Fig. 1. 2., 3., etc., Table 1., 2., 3., etc. Equations should be written in Equation Editor/Math Type. They should be clearly numbered. All the new symbols must be clearly explained. Metric units for all kind of measurements would be preferred. Figures include photographs, drawing and graphs, and they should be made in an appropriate size of about 3 inch height and 4 inch width. Legends for table and figure should be typed separately. Figure and table captions are required to be typed in 10 pt., Times New Roman and in italics.
Biological taxonomic treatments: Scientific names and taxonomic treatments by the concerned author should follow International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (CN), International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria (ICNB), International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plans (ICNCP) and International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).
Citation: Author(s) take the full responsibility for the accuracy of their references. Each citation should be linked with the text. Before submitting the manuscript, please check each citation in the text against the References and vice-versa to ensure that they match exactly. Citations in the text should be formatted as Arabic numerical inside the large parenthesis i.e. [1], [2], [3] and [2, 3] and [1- 3].
Given name, surname. Title of paper (title case), Full Journal Name (italics), year, Volume No in bold (Issue No.) , (blank space) xx-xx (page ranges without spacing). ( DOI).
- Parajuli, M.K. Chettri. Bioaccumulation of Iron in Plants and Their Possibilities as a Tool for Exploration of Hematite Ores, Amrit Research Journal, 2020, 1(1), 1-12. (DOI:
- B. Gharti, D.K. Hitan, M.K. Prasad, H.B. Oli. Chemical Analysis of Limestone of Bojhe, Halesi- Tuwachung Municipality, for Industrial Applications, Amrit Research Journal, 2020, 1 (1), 59-64. (DOI:
Book: Authors, Name of book, edition, publishers, place, year, page
- D. Gautam, M.K. Prasad, D.P. Bhattarai. Fundamental Chemistry. 1st Edition, Heritage Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Nepal, 2013, pp. 210-212.
Edited Book
- J. Sutherland, (ed). Ecological Census Techniques: A Handbook. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1996, p. 336. Book Chapters
- Shrestha, Biodiversity: Fish. In: PK Jha, FP Neupane, ML Shrestha and IP Khanal (eds) Biological Diversity and Conservation. Nepalpedia Series No.2. Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal, 2013, 69-81.
- Bottino, A.P. Sharma. Water quality monitoring of Kathmandu city water supply. Family Planning Association of Nepal/Division of Health Education and Service Project, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1983, p.48. Conference paper
- B. Swar. History of rainbow trout (Oncochynchus mykis) introduction in Nepal. In: TB Gurung (ed) Proceedings of the workshop on scaling up rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming strategies in Nepal, Kathmandu, 2008, 21-24.
- Chapagain. Inhibitory action of the alkaloid extracts of Rhynchostylis retusa on the mild steel in 1M sulphuric acid, MSc dissertation, Amrit Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2019.
Article Submission:
An electronic copy of manuscript both in Microsoft Word and portable document format (pdf) should be sent to Editor-in-Chief in the following address.
Amrit Research Journal Tribhuvan University
Amrit Campus, Lainchour, Kathmandu, Nepal E-mail:
The decisions of the editorial board are final for publishing the articles that have been submitted. The opinions expressed in the articles are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the publisher or the Editorial Board. Author(s) should declare that the submitted work has not been published and is not being considered for publication, elsewhere.
Peer-Review Process
Following the submission of an article to the journal, the editorial board will check whether the submitted article is appropriate for the journal or not. The chief editor will assign the article to a reviewer corresponding to the expertise of the reviewer. Generally the article is sent to two reviewers; however it may be sent to a third reviewer, if necessary. The reviewers are given a two weeks period for reviewing the article. Double-blind peer review is applied for the article submitted by the author within the country while a single-blind peer review is applied for the submitted article by the author outside the country. The reviewers’ comments are communicated to the corresponding author. Once the author submits the revised paper addressing the reviewers' comments, it will be sent to the corresponding reviewers again to decide whether the manuscript is acceptable. Authors should incorporate all questions raised or should defend (clarify) reviewers' comments. However, the final decision to accept paper for publication is taken by the editorial board. The review process generally takes one to two months.