Existence and Practice of Indigenous Mathematics in Karnali Province


  • Jasbir Roka Asst. Prof. of Mathematic Education in Mid-west University Nepal
  • Tilak Bahadur Khatri




Indigenous mathematics, mathematics education, culture and ethno mathematics


This article is helpful to find the existing indigenous mathematics in Karnali Province and its practices at the secondary level school. Karnali province has its own indigenous culture and knowledge system. In Karnali province, Deuda, Mayur dance, Paiseri dance, Khando dance are the main dances and songs that can give the concept of mathematics. Many mathematicians have given contribution to the development of mathematics based on indigenous culture and practice. The researchers have selected ten secondary mathematics teachers purposively. Thus, focus group discussion was conducted to collect information of this study. It is concluded that existing indigenous mathematical knowledge and different occupations related to mathematical information should be used in teaching learning process at school level mathematics classroom. It is also found that there are different mathematical beliefs and practices in the different regions of Karnali province. This study is beneficial to the policymakers, curriculum designers, mathematics teachers and students, further researchers and learners as well. It is also beneficial for the teachers who want to make their teaching-learning activities alive in the classroom. Further, this article has social and cultural value in the real life situation of the learners. It helps to the teachers to teach Mathematics from the social and cultural perspectives in the classroom at any level.


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Author Biography

Jasbir Roka, Asst. Prof. of Mathematic Education in Mid-west University Nepal

Jassbir Roka is an Asst. Prof. of Mathematic Education in Mid-west University Nepal. Currently he is M.Phil. Scholar in Nepal Open University. He has published many papers in different reputed journals nationally and internationally. He is interested in research in Mathematics Education. Now he is secretary of Council for Mathematics Education, Karnali Province, Nepal.




How to Cite

Roka, J., & Khatri, T. B. (2021). Existence and Practice of Indigenous Mathematics in Karnali Province. Academic Journal of Mathematics Education, 4(1), 26–30. https://doi.org/10.3126/ajme.v4i1.45587


