The First Activity in Research


  • Anjana Bhattarai Department of english education, TU



Research problem, Research process, Micro activity, Broad area, Specific area


This paper aims to highlight the process of selecting a research topic through the identification of broad area and then narrowing it down to the research title. The article starts with the brief introduction to research and its micro activities. It also clarifies that topic selection is the base for all other microactivitie. The focus is laid on reviewing the literature as the preliminary step in the selection of research topic. In order to facilitate the new researchers and to remind the experienced ones, a list of some possible broad areas in applied linguistics is presented. Before concluding the article, I have argued that without reading and reviewing the existing literature topic selection is very difficult.

Key words: Research problem, research process, micro activity, broad area, specific area

DOI: 10.3126/nelta.v14i1.3087

Journal of NELTA Vol.14, No 1&2, 2009 December Page: 21-25


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Author Biography

Anjana Bhattarai, Department of english education, TU

Reader in the Department of English  Education, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, did her Masters in English literature and English Education from Tribhvan University and her M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the Central University of Hyderabad, India. She trains English teachers of different levels, and supervises and evaluates research students of M.Ed. and M.Phil students from Tribhuvan and Kathmandu University (Nepal). She has also presented papers in national and interantional conferences. She has published three reference books to her credit, coauthored school level textbooks from Nursery level to grade III. Furthermore, she presented a paper in the conference of the United Nations in New York (2007)


How to Cite

Bhattarai, A. (2010). The First Activity in Research. Journal of NELTA, 14(1), 21–25.


