Established in 2007 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Tribhuvan University Central Library.
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Journal of NELTA is a peer-refereed journal devoted to publication of quality materials on the theory and practice of English language teaching (ELT) in the ESL/EFL as well as under-resourced contexts. It publishes articles, research reports, practical teaching ideas, book reviews and other useful materials which have local, regional and global relevance. As the premium publication of Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA), the Journal particularly welcomes contributions that add to the contemporary discourses on ELT practices. Contributions that deal with ELT theories and methods will serve the professional community only when they are situated in the authors' own practices and/or in the contemporary educational and social contexts. Therefore, materials published in the Journal of NELTA are relevant to and situated in local, national, regional, and/or global contexts.
The scope of the Journal extends to any aspect of the ELT theory and practice, including but not limited to the following:
- ELT theory: works that discuss or interpret ELT theory critically from local/regional perspectives
- Innovative teaching and/or research practices: works that describe and explore how authors have developed or adapted any innovative methods or practices in ELT to their contexts.
- Professional development practices: works that raise new issues of ELT benefit the professional community, government, or society (e.g. 're-visiting/ re-conceptualising teacher education and professional development of ELT practitioners, and so on).
- Success stories: scholarly articles narratives that reflect on successful implementation of ELT theory, method, or practice,
- Any other ELT related issues/subjects that are relevant to ELT professional community.
The Journal welcomes contributions in the following categories
Full Length Articles/Reports:
- Empirical studies:
- Knowledge-based perspectives:
- Classroom research and teacher reflections:
Practical Pedagogic Ideas:
Book reviews:
Action Research Reports
Journal of NELTA Forum article
This information is also available to authors/readers at the Journal of NELTA website (information about Journal of NELTA, sections A and B).
URL Link -
Peer Review Process
Submissions received for Journal of NELTA undergo through a rigorous three-stage review process.
In the first stage, the editorial board screens submissions which meet the requirements of originality, and appropriateness, and follow the Journal of NELTA style and format for the second stage.
In the second stage, the articles are sent to two external reviewers for their blind reviews. Depending upon the review reports, articles are either rejected or selected for the next stage which may involve revisions.
In the third stage, the re-assigned reviewers and the editorial board decide if the submissions meet all the Journal of NELTA requirements. All selected submissions are copy-edited for language clarity and space.
Publication Frequency
The Journal is published once a year. Materials accepted through the editorial/review process, are sent for language and copy-editing after which it goes to production in the month of December of every year. The Journal is ready for circulation and access as soon as it comes out of the production.
The Journal is uploaded on the Journal of NELTA website after NELTA’s international annual conference held in the month of February of the following year. Soon after that, it is sent to Nepal Journal Online (NepJOL). All recent issues have been uploaded on Nepal Journal Online website.
The content is also available on the Journal of NELTA website digital library URL link -
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal Subscription and Charges
Rates and subscription: Its Owner decides the subscription rate of the Journal on the yearly basis. Readers interested in subscribing the Journal should write to the Central Committee of NELTA or its editorial board.
The current price for an issue of the journal is Rs. 650