The official journal of the Psychiatrists' Association of Nepal. The fundamental objective of this medical journal is to encourage psychiatrists and relevant experts to share eminent psychiatric issues that they encounter during their professional career. The journal will also provide a platform to advocate various issues on psychiatry.

Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Cover JPAN

Cover Art Description: "This picture depicts darker side of women's mental health. There are her stories as a sex worker, or a sex symbol or a queen and somewhere she's too quiet, shy or even a victim of marital rape. Somewhere she is surviving her childbirth, sleepless nights, with her hormones alongside her obligations, achievements and her motherhood. Yet somewhere she's barren with empty arms and thousands of thoughts. There are many of "Her" stories of being lost or found dead hanging by a tree! All we need is to bring her to light" 
Artist: Dr. Anjela Regmi, Consultant Psychiatrist, Nepal Police Hospital, Email:

Published: 2024-07-29

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