Functional and radiological outcome of Colles fracture treated conservatively with plaster and cast


  • Sandeep Sharma Janaki Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Janakpur, Nepal
  • R. Sharma Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • S. Neupane Shankarapur Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • A.K. Pariyar Janaki Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Janakpur, Nepal
  • R. Singh Janaki Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Janakpur, Nepal



Cast, Colles Fracture, Functional and Radiological outcome


Background and Objectives: Fractures of distal radius are commonly encountered in orthopedic emergency. Various treatment methods are available including closed reduction and immobilization in cast, percutaneous pinning, pins and plaster, external fixation, open reduction and internal fixation with or without bone graft or substitute. There are no clear guidelines to follow. The aim of this study is to compare the radiological and functional outcome of distal radius fracture treated conservatively with cast alone.

Material and Methods: Sixty patients suffering from extra articular distal radius fracture were recruited for study. They were all treated conservatively with cast alone. They were followed up for 6 months. The radiological outcome in terms of dorsal angulation, radial length, radial angulation and ulnar variance and functional outcome in terms of Mayo wrist score was assessed.

Results: At 6 months follow up dorsal angulation, radial length, radial angulation and ulnar variance were - 5±3.20 degrees, 7.80±0.77mm, 20.47±2.29 degrees and 1.27±0.77 respectively. Functionally 20 patients had good outcome, 32 patients had satisfactory outcome and 8 patients had poor outcome in terms of Mayo wrist scores.

Conclusion: Conservative management with cast is an effective treatment modality for Frykmans type I and II Colles fracture with satisfactory functional and radiological outcome.


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Author Biographies

Sandeep Sharma, Janaki Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Janakpur, Nepal

Department of Orthopedics

R. Sharma, Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Orthopedics

S. Neupane, Shankarapur Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Pediatrics

A.K. Pariyar, Janaki Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Janakpur, Nepal

Departmet of Anesthesia

R. Singh, Janaki Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Janakpur, Nepal

Department of Orthopedics


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How to Cite

Sharma, S., Sharma, R., Neupane, S., Pariyar, A., & Singh, R. (2019). Functional and radiological outcome of Colles fracture treated conservatively with plaster and cast. Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science, 7(1), 47–52.



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