Student’s Perception of Academic Courses in B.Sc. Nursing at Nursing Campus Maharajgunj, Kathmandu


  • Ajanta Singh Nursing Campus Maharajgunj, Kathmandu



Academic Course, Nursing Students and Perception


 Background and Objectives: Nursing is practice oriented education where knowledge, skill and attitudes are taught simultaneously. Learning environment, resources and supportive measures are the important factors for determining academic success and learning. The objective of this study was to find out the perception of the B.Sc. level pass out students towards the academic course provided to them.

Material and Methods: Descriptive study was conducted to find out the perception of the students. Self-administered questionnaire were used to collect information regarding demographic information of the respondents and their perceptions were viewed in terms of learning environment, resources and supportive measures. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data and findings were presented in tables in terms of frequency and percentage.

Results: Almost all (93%) of the respondents were living in Kathmandu permanently, only 41% of them had nursing as their first professional career. Most of them (82.8%) responded that the course content were enough. More than half of the respondent (58.6%) suggested adding more content on FP/MCH/ Immunization. Very few 13% felt that courses like health teaching (13.8%) in first year, nail care (6.9%) and bed making (10.3%) seems unnecessary. Very few that were only 31% of teachers met the student’s expectation and were not satisfied with the teaching strategy of most of the teachers. Senior students were the most (56.7%) helping characters in their learning period. More than ninety percent (93%) had their plan to go abroad for job/study and the choice of country was USA (41.3%).

Conclusion: Based on the findings it was concluded that certain changes in the course is necessary and teaching strategies has to be modified for better results.

 Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences (2017) Vol. 5(1): 49-54


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How to Cite

Singh, A. (2017). Student’s Perception of Academic Courses in B.Sc. Nursing at Nursing Campus Maharajgunj, Kathmandu. Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science, 5(1), 49–54.



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