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Journal of Chitwan Medical College (JCMC) is an open access, peer reviewed, quarterly, multidisciplinary biomedical journal devoted to Health Sciences. JCMC is official journal of the Chitwan Medical College (CMC), Bharatpur, Nepal, published since 2010. It is meant to provide academic platform for all the medicos and also to ensure their scientific involvement in different areas medicine by promoting sharing their newer development.
The JCMC [ISSN 2091-2412(Print), 2091-2889(Online)], welcomes scientific research articles, unique cases and reviews of general interest to medical researchers or medical educationists from the field of biomedical sciences.
It publishes articles on the following category: Original Article, Review Article, Case Report/ Series, images in clinical sciences, Editorials, Viewpoint, Book Reviews, Medical Education, Book Reviews, Specially Invited Articles and Letter to the Editor.
Current Issue
Original Research Articles
Journal of Chitwan Medical College (JCMC) is an open access, peer reviewed, quarterly, multidisciplinary biomedical journal devoted to Health Sciences. JCMC is official journal of the Chitwan Medical College (CMC), Bharatpur, Nepal, published since 2010. It is meant to provide academic platform for all the medicos and also to ensure their scientific involvement in different areas medicine by promoting sharing their newer development.
The JCMC [ISSN 2091-2412(Print), 2091-2889(Online)], welcomes scientific research articles, unique cases and reviews of general interest to medical researchers or medical educationists from the field of biomedical sciences.
It publishes articles on the following category: Original Article, Review Article, Case Report/ Series, images in clinical sciences, Editorials, Viewpoint, Book Reviews, Medical Education, Book Reviews, Specially Invited Articles and Letter to the Editor.
JCMC has been included in International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP).
Open Access
JCMC grants users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to their full texts of articles available online at free of cost.
Manuscript submission
All manuscripts should be submitted as email attachment to Authors do not have to pay for submission, processing or publication of articles in JCMC.
Editorial Office
Journal of Chitwan Medical College (JCMC)
Chitwan Medical College, P.O. Box: 42
Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal.
Tel No: +977-56-532933 Fax No: +977-56-532935