Fetal hepatic hemangioma: a case report


  • Manindra Shresth Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Nishma Bajracharya Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Ashish Parajuli Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Amritee Gorkhali Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Amir Shrestha Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Ganesh Dangal Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal


Arteriovenous shunting, Fetal Hepati Hemangioma, Utrasonography


Fetal liver tumors represent approximately 5% of all congenital tumors and hemangiomas account for approximately 15% of all fetal liver tumors. Hemangioma and hemangioendothelioma are benign vascular tumors but they are associated with a significant morbidity and mortality due to high output congestive heart failure and arteriovenous shunting. Ultrasound features of hepatic hemangioma can overlap with arteriovenous malformation. This is a case report of fetal hepatic hemangioma with aretriovenous shunting detected on routine anomaly scan at 20 weeks of gestation in 22 years old Nepalese women who was asymptomatic. Prenatally, a 3.2cm x 2.8cm multicystic mass was seen in the left hypochondrium of the fetal abdomen displacing the stomach. On color Doppler examination, the mass showed internal color flow and multiple tortuous dilated vessels noted around the lesion. After counseling regarding the lesion to the mother and her family; decision to abort the fetus was made. Autopsy was done for the final diagnosis of the lesion, which showed vascular mass in the left lobe of liver insinuating between stomach and spleen.


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Author Biographies

Manindra Shresth, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Radiology

Nishma Bajracharya, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Ashish Parajuli, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Department of Radiology

Amritee Gorkhali, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Radiology

Amir Shrestha, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Radiology

Ganesh Dangal, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology




How to Cite

Shresth, M., Bajracharya, N., Parajuli, A., Gorkhali, A., Shrestha, A., & Dangal, G. (2019). Fetal hepatic hemangioma: a case report. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 9(1), 74–77. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/JCMC/article/view/23790



Case Reports