Pattern of plant biomass and carbon stock along different elevational forests in eastern Nepal


  • Pramila Kumari Gachhadar Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
  • Chitra Bahadur Baniya Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
  • Tej Narayan Degree Campus, Tribhuvan University, Biratnagar, Nepal



Biomass;, Carbon Stocks, Tropical forest, Morang district, Soil, Disturbance


The primary aim of this investigation was to determine the biomass and carbon stock distribution pattern among different forest stands of diverse elevations in the Morang district of East Nepal. It is noteworthy to estimate carbon stock and biomass of relatively least underexplored forests in east Nepal. The data for estimating the biomass and carbon stocks of the five different forest sites, viz. Bhaunne, Raja-Rani, Murchungi, Adheri, and Sagma located between 100-1300m above the mean sea level, were acquired through the measurement of inventory plots selected randomly. Altogether, 50 sample plots were established within five forest stands located on different elevational zone; within each forest site, 10 sample plots of 20m × 20m size, were laid out for the measurement of trees. In the case of shrubs and herbs, nested plots of 5m × 5m and 1m ×1m, respectively were established. Calculation of the biomass of trees and shrubs was facilitated through the application of an allometric equation, while the biomass of herbs was determined by the harvest method. The carbon concentration in the plant materials was estimated using ash content method. The comprehensive analysis of the stand biomass in the Bhaunne, Raja-Rani, Murchungi, Adheri, and Sagma forest sites were: 815.86 Mg ha-1, 414.19 Mg ha-1, 606.81 Mg ha-1, 519.20 Mg ha-1, and 299.96 Mg ha-1, respectively, with minimum at the Sagma site (high-altitude forest) and maximum at the Bhaunne site (low-altitude forest). As per the variation in stand biomass, the carbon stocks in the forest sites also showed the same trend, but the values ranged from 140.19 Mg C ha-1 to 333.63 Mg C ha-1, with the minimum in the Sagma site and the maximum in the Bhaunne site.  The application of the Friedman Test revealed statistically significant variation in the tree biomass between the Murchungi and Sagma sites and also in the shrub biomass between the Adheri and Sagma sites. Similarly, noteworthy variations were observed in the herb biomass of the Bhaunne, Raja-Rani, Murchungi, and Adheri sites as compared to that of the Sagma site. The present study contributes to the understanding of forest ecosystems in context to carbon management.


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How to Cite

Gachhadar, P. K., Baniya, C. B., & Mandal, T. N. (2024). Pattern of plant biomass and carbon stock along different elevational forests in eastern Nepal. Banko Janakari, 34(1), 15–29.


