Pattern of mammographic findings in Sokoto, Nigeria


  • Mohammed Danfulani Department of Radiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto
  • Ahmed Sule Sa'idu Department of Radiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto
  • Mohammed Sadisu Ma'aji Department of Radiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto
  • Muhammad Awwal Musa Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto


Mammographic findings, Benign Breast Diseases, females


Background: Radiological examination of the breast is established as an essential part of the modern multidisplinary approach to effective investigation and management of breast diseases. The standard techniques used for breast imaging are screen film X-ray mammography and real time ultrasound. The aim of this study is to document mammographic findings in females seeking medical attention at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria.

Methods: The study was a descriptive retrospective analysis of the mammographic breast examinations (both screening and diagnostic) seen over a period of one year (February 2012 - January 2013). A total 125 patients were recruited in this study. Relevant parameters extracted from the records included patients age, presenting complain, referring clinic/unit, indications and the reporting radiologist findings (diagnosis). All the data collected were analyzed using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 windows.

Results: The age range of the study participants was 18 to 71 years with a mean and standard deviation value of 41.87±10.15. Majority of our patients (44%) were referred from GOPD (General Out Patient Department); followed by SOPD (Surgical Out Patient Department) with 41 patients (32.8%). Other referring clinics included Accident and Emergency (A and E) (3.2%), Staff Clinic (1.6%), Medical outpatient Department (MOPD) 4.0%, Clinic 1 less than 1%. Gynea Clinic (3.2%) and Radiotherapy Unit (1.6%). The commonest indications for these examinations in our patients include Breast Pain (unilateral or bilateral); Breast Lump (unilateral or bilateral), bloody nipple discharge, ?Breast Cancer (left or right), Fibrocystic dysplasia, mastitis among others. The predominant diagnosis observed in our results was BIRADS 1 (normal examination) which constituted 73 (58.4) patients.

Conclusion: Most of our patients for diagnostic mammography were found to have Benign breast diseases than breast cancers; suggesting that there is a high diagnostic yield of mammography in the evaluation and management of breast diseases in this environment.


Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2014 Vol.5(4); 79-83


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How to Cite

Danfulani, M., Sa'idu, A. S., Ma'aji, M. S., & Musa, M. A. (2014). Pattern of mammographic findings in Sokoto, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(4), 79–83. Retrieved from



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