Right choice of a method for determination of cut-off values: A statistical tool for a diagnostic test


  • Balkishan Sharma Sri Aurobindo Medical College and P. G. Institute, Indore, (M. P.)
  • Ravikant Jain Sri Aurobindo Medical College and P. G. Institute, Indore, (M. P.)


Logistic Regression, Confidence Interval, Cut-off value, Discriminant analysis, ROC curve, Sensitivity and Specificity


Objective: The clinical diagnostic tests are generally used to identify the presence of a disease. The cutoff value of a diagnostic test should be chosen to maximize the advantage that accrues from testing a population of human and others. When a diagnostic test is to be used in a clinical condition, there may be an opportunity to improve the test by changing the cutoff value. To enhance the accuracy of diagnosis is to develop new tests by using a proper statistical technique with optimum sensitivity and specificity.

Method: Mean±2SD method, Logistic Regression Analysis, Receivers Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve analysis and Discriminant Analysis (DA) have been discussed with their respective applications.

Results: The study highlighted some important methods to determine the cutoff points for a diagnostic test. The traditional method is to identify the cut-off values is Mean±2SD method. Logistic Regression Analysis, Receivers Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve analysis and Discriminant Analysis (DA) have been proved to be beneficial statistical tools for determination of cut-off points.

Conclusion: There may be an opportunity to improve the test by changing the cut-off value with the help of a correctly identified statistical technique in a clinical condition when a diagnostic test is to be used. The traditional method is to identify the cut-off values is Mean ± 2SD method. It was evidenced in certain conditions that logistic regression is found to be a good predictor and the validity of the same can be confirmed by identifying the area under the ROC curve.

Abbreviations: ROC-Receiver operating characteristics and DA-Discriminant Analysis. 

Asian Journal of Medical Science, Volume-5(3) 2014: 30-34




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Author Biographies

Balkishan Sharma, Sri Aurobindo Medical College and P. G. Institute, Indore, (M. P.)

 Associate Professor of Biostatistics

Department of Community Medicine,

Sri Aurobindo Medical College and P. G. Institute, Indore, (M. P.), India




Ravikant Jain, Sri Aurobindo Medical College and P. G. Institute, Indore, (M. P.)


Department of Orthopedics

Sri Aurobindo Medical College and P. G. Institute, Indore, (M. P.), Indiafessor,


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How to Cite

Sharma, B., & Jain, R. (2014). Right choice of a method for determination of cut-off values: A statistical tool for a diagnostic test. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(3), 30–34. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/AJMS/article/view/9296



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