Serum total adenosine deaminase activity in Nepalese patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis


  • N Gautam Department of Biochemistry, Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Lumbini zone
  • J Archana Department of Pathology, Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Lumbini zone
  • R Kumar Department of Pathology, Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Lumbini zone
  • LI Singh Department of Orthopedics, Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Lumbini zone, Universal College of Medical Sciences
  • RM Sapkota Institute of Experimental Immunology, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH- 8057 Zurich
  • S Mishra Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Shahid Ganga Lal National Heart Centre, Bansbari, Kathmandu
  • DR Pokharel Department of Biochemistry, Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara


Rheumatoid arthritis, Adenosine deaminase, C-reactive protein, Rheumatoid factor, UCMSTH, Nepal


Objective: Several studies indicate that serum adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity could be a potential marker for the diagnosis of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, there has been no such study that could independently verify this finding in Nepali population. The present study therefore aims to measure the total ADA activity in the sera of Nepalese RA patients and verify its diagnostic potential.

Materials and Methods: A total of 69 RA patients who visited Universal College of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital (UCMSTH), Bhairahawa, Nepal for their medical treatment were enrolled for this study. An equal number of age and sex-matched healthy controls were also included in the study. Blood samples were collected from each study subjects and analyzed for serum total ADA, Creactive protein (CRP) and rheumatoid factor (RF).

Results: Serum total ADA activity was found to be significantly (p<0.0001) higher (30.0 }10.1 U/L) in all RA patients compared to healthy controls (13.5 } 3.6 U/L). However, no significant difference (p>0.05) in the ADA activity was found between the smokers and non-smoker RA patients. Out of total 69 RA patients, only 16 (23.1%) were positive for CRP and 11 (15.9%) were positive for RF.

Conclusion: Measurement of serum total ADA activity could be a reliable marker for the diagnosis of RA in Nepali population with relevant clinical scenarios when there is absence of CRP and RF in the serum.  


Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 4(2013) 30-35


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Author Biography

DR Pokharel, Department of Biochemistry, Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara

Department of Biochemistry Manipal College of Medical Sciences P.O. Box 155 Pokhara-16, Deep, Kaski




How to Cite

Gautam, N., Archana, J., Kumar, R., Singh, L., Sapkota, R., Mishra, S., & Pokharel, D. (2013). Serum total adenosine deaminase activity in Nepalese patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(2), 30–35. Retrieved from



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