A Randomised comparison and evaluation of I-gel, Supreme laryngeal mask airway and Ambu Auragain in Laparoscopic surgeries under general anaesthesia with controlled ventilation


  • Meenakshi Sumadevi Pradeep Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical care, JIPMER, Puducherry https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9040-6412
  • Niteen Khanderao Nandanwankar Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, Dr Shankar Rao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6081-3677
  • Priya Vishwanath Lahane Fellow in Regional Anesthesia, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5213-2548
  • Nazima Yusuf Memon Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Dr Shankar Rao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5584-6746
  • Shridhar Devidas Yennawar Former Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, Dr Shankar Rao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded
  • Ramesh Govindrao Pathak Former Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, Dr Shankar Rao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded


Supraglottic airway devices, Laparoscopic surgeries, Airway leak pressure, Ease of insertion


Background: Supraglottic airway devices (SAD) are becoming increasingly popular for use in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries. In this prospective randomised study, we compared three supraglottic airway devices namely, I-gel, Supreme LMA and Ambu Auragain.

Aims and Objectives: The study was undertaken to compare three supraglottic airway devices I-gel, Supreme LMA and Ambu Auragain in laparoscopic surgeries under general anaesthesia with controlled ventilation.

Materials and Methods: This was a randomized comparative study in which 90 patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries under general anesthesia were included. In group A Ambu AuraGain was used whereas in group I and Group S I-gel and Supreme LMA was used respectively. Primary outcome measures which were compared amongst the studied groups included time taken for insertion, ease of insertion, attempts required for insertion, ease of insertion of Ryles tube, fiberoptic bronchoscopic grading and Oropharyngeal leak pressure.

Results: There was highly significant difference in the time taken for insertion of SAD in Group-A when compared to Group- I (p<0.0001) and Group-S (p<0.0001). Group-A had significantly increased grades of ease of insertion of SAD when compared to Group-I (p=0.04) and Group-S (p=0.004). 16.66% of patients in Group-A required 3 attempts for successful insertion of the SAD, while no patients in Group- I or Group A required more than two attempts for insertion(p<0.05).

Conclusion: Ambu AuraGain provides better oropharyngeal seal and has higher leak pressures as compared to I-gel and Supreme LMA with similar hemodynamic stability and post-operative outcome makingit a preferable SAD over I-gel and Supreme LMA.


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How to Cite

Pradeep, M. S., Nandanwankar, N. K., Lahane, P. V., Memon, N. Y., Yennawar, S. D., & Pathak, R. G. (2021). A Randomised comparison and evaluation of I-gel, Supreme laryngeal mask airway and Ambu Auragain in Laparoscopic surgeries under general anaesthesia with controlled ventilation. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 12(4), 68–75. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/AJMS/article/view/32931



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