A study on assessment of HbA1c level as a diagnostic criterion of type 2 diabetes mellitus


  • Agnibha Dutta Post Graduate Trainee, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital
  • Ashish P Dudhe Post Graduate Trainee, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital
  • Subhasish Deb Post Graduate Trainee, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital
  • Somnath Dasgupta Prof and Head, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital
  • Amit Sarkar Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital


Cut-off value, Diabetes Mellitus, HbA1c


Aims and Objectives: We compared performance of HbA1c in diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus with that of fasting plasma glucose and tried to determine cut off point of HbA1c for optimum sensitivity and specificity in a population of eastern India both from urban and rural background.

Materials and Methods: The analysis was conducted in persons aged between 40 and 80 years, visiting our institution, who are newly diagnosed as diabetic and non-diabetic attending hospital for some other reason, who underwent FPG and HbA1c testing, in the time period January 2013 to August 2014.

Results: From 100 individuals (mean age 54.6 years) HbA1c ? 6.5% produced sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 72%, positive predictive value 76.27% and negative predictive value 87.80% when compared to FPG ? 126 mg% as standard. By ROC curve, optimum cut off point for HbA1c was found to be 7.05% for diagnosis of diabetes.

Conclusion: Using a cut off value of HbA1c of 7% may optimise detection of diabetes mellitus and ensure proper patient care.

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.7(1) 2015 49-52


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Author Biographies

Agnibha Dutta, Post Graduate Trainee, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital

Ashish P Dudhe, Post Graduate Trainee, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital

Subhasish Deb, Post Graduate Trainee, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital

Somnath Dasgupta, Prof and Head, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital

Amit Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital




How to Cite

Dutta, A., Dudhe, A. P., Deb, S., Dasgupta, S., & Sarkar, A. (2015). A study on assessment of HbA1c level as a diagnostic criterion of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7(1), 49–52. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/AJMS/article/view/13052



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