Cross sectional study of knowledge and awareness among MCH beneficiaries about antenatal and infant care in rural Tamil Nadu, India


  • Elayarani Elavarasan SRM Medical College, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu
  • Manasi S. Padhyegurjar Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhurantagam, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu.
  • Shekhar B. Padhyegurjar Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhurantagam, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu.


Knowledge, antenatal care, infant care, new born care


Aims and Objective: Mother and child together form the majority of the population in developing countries. Though they have maximum number of health services attributed to them, morbidity and mortality rates for antenatal women and children are very high. Lack of comprehensionof preventive services is one of the important reasons for this. This study was planned with the aim of assessing the knowledge and awareness levels among pregnant women about antenatal care and regarding various aspects of new born and infant care among mothers of under three.

Materials and Methods:This is a community based cross- sectional study involving beneficiaries attending the Rural Health Centre of a teaching Medical College, in Tamil Nadu.

Results: Awareness about routine antenatal care, danger signs of pregnancy and preparation for emergency labour were observed to be poor among antenatal women. Knowledge about new born care, infant feeding practices, immunization, newborn and childhood illnesses were all found inadequate among mothers of under three. All the aspects were better in antenatal women who were educated, could read Tamil, and belonged to joint family. But these factors had no effect of mothers of under three. Health workers and family members were the major source of information for both the groups.

Conclusion: Knowledge is observed to be poor, inspite of all the participants being beneficiaries of Rural Health Centre and the majority of them being educated up to secondary standard. Efficient use of existing health services, giving health education sessions with precise messages will help to increase awareness.

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.7(1) 2015 59-65


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Author Biography

Manasi S. Padhyegurjar, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhurantagam, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu.



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How to Cite

Elavarasan, E., Padhyegurjar, M. S., & Padhyegurjar, S. B. (2015). Cross sectional study of knowledge and awareness among MCH beneficiaries about antenatal and infant care in rural Tamil Nadu, India. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7(1), 59–65. Retrieved from



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