A study to evaluate relationship between hematological indices and iron status with infarct size in pediatric stroke


  • Poorva Sharma Intern, Dr. S N Medical College, Jodhpur (Raj) India, (MBBS) – Manipal College Of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Kathmandu University,
  • Manish Parakh Professor, Pediatric Medicine and Consultant Pediatric Neurologist, Dr. S N Medical College, Jodhpur (Raj)
  • Vikas Katewa Assistant Professor, Pediatric Medicine Dr.S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Rajasthan University.
  • Pooja Mehta Consultant Radiologist, SRL, 2s Wellness and Research Centre Private Limited, Jodhpur (Raj)
  • Vanny Arora Resident Physician, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. S N Medical College, Jodhpur (Raj) India Rajasthan University
  • Poonam Parakh Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. S N Medical College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) Rajasthan University


Infarct size, Iron status parameters, Pediatric stroke, RBC Indices.


Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between hematological indices and iron status with the infarct size, number and location in Pediatric stroke.

Material and methods: Observational cross sectional study. 16 (8 Male and 8 Female) pediatric stroke patients presenting in Pediatric Neurology clinic included in the study. Hemoglobin (Hb) level, Hematocrit (HCT) and RBC indices (MCV, MCH and MCHC), platelet count and Iron status parameters (Serum Iron, TIBC and Serum Ferritin) of these patients were analysed. Area of diffusion restriction on MRI brain was measured as a surrogate marker of the severity of infarction and its correlation with RBC indices, platelet count and Iron status parameters was evaluated.

Results: Mean age of studied population at presentation was 45.218±47.80 months. Mean Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelet count of these patients were 9.229±2.829gm/dl, 29.531±7.002%, 73.650 ±7.237fL, 23.650 ±.3.709pg, 30.393 ±3.000 g/dl, 331.667±201.472 x109/L respectively. Mean Serum Ferritin, TIBC and Serum Iron were 89.639 ±119.788 ng/ml, 286.125± 83.858 ug/dl, and 82.375± 59.452 ug/dl. No statistically significant correlation was seen between any of the RBC indices, Total Platelet Count and Serum Iron status indicators with mean total area of diffusion restriction in the whole cohort, in the group of patients having Serum Ferritin levels <15 and >15 ng/ml.

Conclusion: Despite the fact that most of the literature reports association between Iron deficiency anemia with stroke, we did not find any correlation between the various RBC indices, total Platelet count and Iron status indicators with area of diffusion restriction in patients with stroke. Further studies are recommended to study the exact contributors to patho - physiology of stroke associated with Iron deficiency.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ajms.v6i2.10725

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.6(2) 2015 8-14


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How to Cite

Sharma, P., Parakh, M., Katewa, V., Mehta, P., Arora, V., & Parakh, P. (2014). A study to evaluate relationship between hematological indices and iron status with infarct size in pediatric stroke. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(2), 7–13. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/AJMS/article/view/10725



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