तीजपर्वको सांस्कृतिक तथा सामाजिक पक्ष {Teej Festival: Cultural and Social Aspects}


  • दुर्गा देवी Durga Devi पौड्याल Poudyal




teej तीज, हरितालिका haritalika, दर dar, ब्रतोपवास bratopawas


तीज नेपालभरी मनाउने हिन्दू नेपाली महिलाहरुको सबैभन्दा ठूलो चाड हो । योपर्व भाद्रशुक्ल द्वितीयादेखि शुरु भई पञ्चमीसम्म मनाइन्छ । तीजको पहिलो दिन दरिलो खाद्य परिकारहरु अर्थात् ‘दर’ खाने दिन हो । भोलिपल्ट तृतीयाको दिन तीजको मुख्य दिन हो । यस दिन महिलाहरु नदीमा स्नान गरी शुद्ध भई नयाँ वस्त्र लगाई देवालयमा गई भक्तिपूर्वक भगवान शिव र पार्वतीको पूजाआजा गर्दछन् साथै दिनभर निराहार व्रत बस्छन् । यस पर्वको पौराणिक कथाअनुसार पर्वतराज हिमालयले आफ्नी पुत्री पार्वतीको विवाह भगवान विष्णुसंग गरी दिने निधो गरे पछि उक्त निर्णय मन नपरेको कुरा पार्वतीले साथीहरुलाई सुनाइन् । साथीहरुले उनलाई घरबाट भगाई (हरण गरी) टाढा लुकाए । पार्वतीले त्यसै स्थानमा महादेव पति पाउन इच्छा राखी शिवजीको शिवलिङ्ग बनाई भक्तिपूर्वक पूजा गर्न थालिन् । त्यसै समयमा भगवान शिव प्रसन्न भई पार्वतीलाई दर्शन दिई वरदान माग्न भनेकाले पार्वतीले आफ्नो संकल्प सुनाइन् र भगवान शिवजीले पार्वतीलाई विवाह गर्ने वचन दिए पछि पार्वतीको विवाह शिवजीसंग हुन गयो । तीजलाई हरितालिका पनि भन्ने गरिन्छ । अली (साथी) हरुले हरण गरेको भन्ने अर्थमा हरितालिका भनिएको हो भन्ने भनाइ छ । तीजको दिन विवाहित महिलाहरुले आफ्नो पतिको दीर्घायुको कामना गरी व्रत बस्दछन् । यस दिनमा महिलाहरु खुशीयालीका तीज गीत गाउने नाच्ने गर्दछन् । यस पर्वमा गाउने गीतमा भगवानका भक्तिगाथा एवम् महिलाहरुको आन्तरिक पीडा एवम् मनोभावना अभिव्यक्त भएको हुन्छ । आजकाल सामाजिक विसङ्गति एवम् भेदभाव विरुद्ध जागरण ल्याउने खालका गीतहरु आउन थालेको छ र यो सकारात्मक पक्ष हो । दर खाने खुवाउने क्रममा प्रतिस्पर्धा हुन थालेकाले यो पर्व खर्चिलो बन्दै गइरहेको छ । तीजको धार्मिक सांस्कृतिक एवम् मौलिक परम्परालाई आधुनिकता एवम् आडम्बरले पछाडि पारिदिएको छ । नयाँ पिढीबाट यस्ता क्रियाकलापलाई बढावा नदीन चनाखो हुनु पर्ने देखिन्छ । हाम्रो मौलिक संस्कृति को जगेर्ना एवम् संरक्षण गर्ने दाइत्व हामी सबैको हो । तीज पर्वले महिलालाई आफ्नो  इच्छा अनुसारको वरसंग विवाह गर्न पाउनु पर्छ भन्ने नारी स्वतन्त्रताको सन्देश समेत दिएको छ ।

{Teej festival is the biggest hindu festival of Nepalese women, which is celebrated all over Nepal. The festival generally falls in August or early in September. Teej is mainly celebrated three days which are a feast day, fasting day and Rishipanchami puja. Women who go fasting next day eat a very big feast called Dar. On the fasting day women take fast and worship Lord Shiva and Parvati with sincere faith and devotion. A popular hindu mythology tells why Teej is observed. Himalayas wanted to get married her daughter Parvati with Lord Vishnu. Parvati was not in favor of choosing Vishnu as her husband. She discussed the problem with her friends and they advised her to run away from home and keep hidden. Parvati did accordingly. She concentrated on Mahadev with deep devotion Mahadev appeared before her and promised to accept her as his wife. Teej festival is also called Haritalika which means to be taken by one's girl friends. It is thefestival that women celebrate for their prosperous marital life and long life of the husband. On this day women present themselves in red sarees with beautiful jewelers and visit the temple of Lord Shiva to offer puja. They enjoy this day by singing and dancing with Teej special songs. The songs are mostly devotional as well as women's heart feelings. Nowadays women are also taking this day as an opportunity to voice their concern about social issues and discrimination. These days it is becoming expensive to celebrate Teej as the people seem to be competing for the Dar eating. The religious and cultural practices are getting neglected slowly. The new generation should be aware of this reality. It is the duty of all Nepalese citizens to preserve and maintain our cultural identity. Teej festival brings joy and strengthen bond between wife and husband as well as all family. This festival gives the message of freedom among women to choose one's life partner as Lord Parvati did in her case.}


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How to Cite

पौड्याल Poudyal द. द. D. D. (2022). तीजपर्वको सांस्कृतिक तथा सामाजिक पक्ष {Teej Festival: Cultural and Social Aspects}. Voice of Culture, 9(1), 69–77. https://doi.org/10.3126/voc.v9i1.49877


