Avifaunal Composition and Threats to Birds in Gauri Shankar Conservation Area, Nepal





Avifauna, Beyul culture, conservation area, diversity, point count, threats


892 avian species make Nepal stand out in the world, and the Himalayas of Nepal are also bird-rich areas. This study assessed the composition of birds in the Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA) in 2019, 2020, and 2021, following the fixed-radius (25m) point count method with opportunistic observations. This study recorded 108 bird species belonging to 36 families. Muscicapidae was the most diverse avian family in the study area (RDi value=15.74). 98 species were resident, four were winter visitors, two were summer visitors, and four were altitudinal migrants. Most species were insectivorous (66.67%), granivorous (19.44%), followed by carnivorous (7.14%), omnivorous (4.63%), and nectarivores (1.85%). One critically endangered and three near-threatened species were also observed. ‘Beyul’ culture is practiced by the locals (particularly the Buddhists) of GCA and helps to the protection of biodiversity including birds. However, the ongoing road and hydropower construction might put birds and other biodiversity at stake.


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How to Cite

Gosai, K. R., Bashyal, B., Gosai, K., & Koju, N. P. (2025). Avifaunal Composition and Threats to Birds in Gauri Shankar Conservation Area, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Environmental Science, 12(2), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.3126/njes.v12i2.70849



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