Etiological Spectrum of Hoarseness of Voice in Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal


  • Devesh Singh Western Regional Hospital Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences
  • Akash Mani Bhandari Western Regional Hospital Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences
  • Sudha Shahi Western Regional Hospital Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences
  • Narendra Kumar Shrestha Western Regional Hospital Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences



Hoarseness, Video


Background: Hoarseness of voice is a common symptom presentation in the Department of ENT. The etiology ranges from benign to malignant causes. Video nasopharyngolaryngoscopy is an effective method of evaluation of the laryngeal pathologies. The aim of the study was to study the different etiological factors of hoarseness of voice presenting in the Department of ENT at Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational longitudinal study was done in the Department of ENT, Western Regional Hospital after approval from IRC, Pokhara Academy of Health Science. A total of 275 patients presenting to the ENT Department with hoarseness of more than two weeks duration were examined with video nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (NPL) from April 2018 to March 2019. The data were electronically entered and analyzed with SPSS Version 21.

Results: Total number of cases were 275 among which 187 (68%) were females whereas 88 (32%) were males. Vocal cord nodules were observed in 107 patients (38.9%), features of laryngopharyngeal reflux were observed in 54 patients (19.6%) muscle tension dysphonia was seen in 49 (17.8 % ), vocal cord polyp in 6 patients (2.2%), left vocal cord palsy in 7 patients ( 2.5%), right sided vocal cord palsy in 2 patients (0.7%). The hemorrhagic polyp, leucoplakia and ventricular dysphonia were observed in 3 patients each.

Conclusion: Since causes of hoarseness of voice range from simple benign diseases to malignant diseases, it is mandatory to evaluate every cases of hoarseness of voice replace with of more than 2 weeks duration with history, videolaryngoscopic examination and investigations.


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Author Biography

Devesh Singh, Western Regional Hospital Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences

Department of ENT Head and Neck Surgery





