Health Promoting Lifestyle among Nurses of a Tertiary Level Hospital


  • Pramila Baral Kathmandu Medical College, Bhaktapur, Nepal
  • Neeta Tamrakar Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara, Nepal


Health Promotion, Lifestyle, Nurses, Nepal


Background: Lifestyle-related diseases are increasing worldwide representing 63% of all deaths globally. Health-promoting behaviors among nurses may affect the quality of patient care and education. This study aims to identify the health-promoting lifestyle among nurses.

Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study design was used among 111 nurses working in Manipal Teaching Hospital, Pokhara from November 2016 to March 2017. A simple random sampling technique (lottery method) was applied using a self-administered structured standard tool, Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II. The analysis was done using an independent t-test.

Results: The total Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II mean score was 137.66±19.18. The highest mean score was in spiritual growth (27.43±4.63) and lowest in physical activity (17.03±4.88). A good health-promoting lifestyle was among 60.4% of the nurses. The significant difference in the mean score of total Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II was found in marital status (p=0.031) and educational qualification (p=0.009). Likewise, the significant mean difference of interpersonal relations, nutrition and stress management was found with educational qualification (p < 0.05). The significant mean difference in nutrition was also found with marital status (p=0.02). There was a significant mean difference in physical activity and spiritual growth with work experience  (p<0.05).

Conclusion: The spiritual aspect of health has been more focused by the nurses. Along with this, nurses need to put greater emphasis on physical activity and stress management for better health.   


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Author Biographies

Pramila Baral, Kathmandu Medical College, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Lecturer, Department of Nursing

Neeta Tamrakar, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara, Nepal

Professor, Pokhara Campus






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