Dental Caries and Anthropometric Measurements in Children Aged between 5-14 Years


  • Pragati Poudyel People’s Dental College and Hospital, Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Sunanda Sundas People’s Dental College and Hospital, Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Neha Dhakal People’s Dental College and Hospital, Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Pujan Bhusal Chitwan Medical College, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Krishna Hari Subedi Rapti Provincial Hospital,Dang, Nepal


Body Mass Index, Dentition, Dental Caries, Hip Circumference, Waist Circumference


Introduction: Dental caries is common health condition affecting billions of people
in the world. Dental caries may be linked to obesity, while on the other hand, it
may be linked to underweight/stunting; both are kinds of malnutrition. This study
aims to find dental caries in primary and permanent dentition and nutritional
status of children aged between 5-14 years.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among children
aged between 5-14 years who attended the Department of Pedodontic from
January to April 2022.Dental caries was observed and dmft /DMFT index was
calculated. Anthropometric measurements were done following WHO criteria.
Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated using age percentiles charts for boys and
girls developed by Center for Chronic Disease Prevention.

Results: The total participants were 200 among which 88 (44%) were female
and 112 (56%) were males. The dental caries status of all BMI categories were
observed, caries status was found to be more in deciduous teeth (mean dmft)
than in permanent teeth (mean DMFT).BMI categories showed 39(19.5%)
underweight, 122 (61%) healthy weight, 25 (12.5%) at risk of overweight and 14
(7%) were overweight.

Conclusion: Dental caries status was higher in primary dentition compared to
permanent dentition. Correlation between BMI and dental caries status was not


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Author Biographies

Pragati Poudyel, People’s Dental College and Hospital, Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Physiology

Sunanda Sundas, People’s Dental College and Hospital, Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Pedodontics

Neha Dhakal, People’s Dental College and Hospital, Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Pedodontics

Pujan Bhusal, Chitwan Medical College, Chitwan, Nepal

Department of Physiology

Krishna Hari Subedi, Rapti Provincial Hospital,Dang, Nepal

Department of pediatrics




How to Cite

Poudyel, P. ., Sundas, S., Dhakal, N. ., Bhusal, P. ., & Hari Subedi, . K. . (2023). Dental Caries and Anthropometric Measurements in Children Aged between 5-14 Years. Annapurna Journal of Health Sciences, 2(2), 18–21. Retrieved from



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