A Contribution to the Embryology of <i>Rhynchelytrum repens</i> (Willd) C.E. Hubbard


  • Mohammed Inamuddin Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Guyana
  • Beatrice Were Deprtment of Botany, Chepkoilel Campus, Moi University, Eldoret,
  • Mohammad Saquib Department of Biological Sciences, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Kebbi State




Eldoret, Microsporangium, Ubisch's bodies, Facultative apomixis, Female gametophyte


The present investigation deals with morphological and embryological studies of Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd) C.E. Hubbard. The development of anther walls are found to be Monocotyledonous type. The tapetal cells are substantially large, glandular and uninucleate. The middle layer is ephemeral and their cells are small in size. It is sandwiched between endothecial and tapetal layer. The endothecial cells are large and develop fibrous thickenings. The microspore mother cell undergoes two successive reduction divisions, giving rise to isobilateral microspore tetrad. The tetrad separates and give rise to four pollen grains. Occasionally, the anther show degenerating pollen grains before dehiscence. Formation of Ubisch's bodies has also been observed. The pollen grains shed at three celled stage. The exine is thick while intine is thin. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate. The female archesporial cell becomes large with dense cytoplasm. It directly functions as megaspore mother cell and undergoes two meiotic divisions to produce a linear megaspore tetrad. The micropylar three cells degenerate and chalazal one becomes functional. The chalazal functional megaspore undergoes three mitotic divisions without wall formation and produces 8-nucleate embryosac. Such 8-nucleate embryosac organizes into Polygonum type of embryosac. It is interesting to note that some somatic cells of the ovule undergo nuclear divisions and give rise to facultative apomictic embryosacs.

Key Words: Eldoret; Microsporangium; Ubisch's bodies; Facultative apomixis; Female gametophyte.

DOI: 10.3126/sw.v7i7.3822

Scientific World Vol.7(7) 2009 pp.37-40


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How to Cite

Inamuddin, M., Were, B., & Saquib, M. (2010). A Contribution to the Embryology of <i>Rhynchelytrum repens</i> (Willd) C.E. Hubbard. Scientific World, 7(7), 37–40. https://doi.org/10.3126/sw.v7i7.3822


