Effect of Dual Inoculation of Azolla on the Growth and Yield Paramaters of Rice in Dhaijan, Jhapa


  • N. Sapkota Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
  • B. N. Prasad Tribhuvan University


Azolla, dual drop, double inoculation, intercrop, monocrop


The present work was carried out aiming to determine the most appropriate method of application of Azolla as biofertilizer in the rice and to assess its impact on the yield and yield attributes of rice. Azolla growth as a monocrop and incorporated before rice transplantation followed by double inoculation gave encouraging results. Grain yield has been recorded up to 5.1t/ha which is 15.9% increment over control. Straw yield was up to 4.8t/ha which is 26.3% increase over control. Inoculation of Azolla seven days after rice transplantation followed by incorporation 30 days after inoculation and reinoculated 7 days after incorporation (T6) increased grain yield up to 5 t /ha which is 13.6 % increase over control and straw yield up to 4.8 t/ha which is 26.3% increase over control. In all plots treated with Azolla, increase in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in leaf, straw and panicle has been recorded. Azolla incorporation plus application of 15 kg/ha urea as top dressing (T4) increased grain yield by 11.3% over control. Twice cropping of Azolla, once as a monocrop and once as an intercrop increased grain yield by 9.1% over control. Among the Azolla treated sets, lowest grain yield of 4.7 t/ha (6.8% increase over control) was obtained from the sets where Azolla was grown once as a monocrop (T3).

Nepal Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 7, 2006


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Author Biographies

N. Sapkota, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology Khumaltar, Lalitpur

B. N. Prasad, Tribhuvan University

Biotechnology Unit, Central Department of Botany Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu



How to Cite

Sapkota, N., & Prasad, B. N. (2007). Effect of Dual Inoculation of Azolla on the Growth and Yield Paramaters of Rice in Dhaijan, Jhapa. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 7, 85–88. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/NJST/article/view/577


