Fallopian tube carcinoma: Energy lost in diagnosing without the total benefit of chemotherapy


  • Neelam Pradhan Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU. Teaching Hospital
  • Sita Ghimire Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU. Teaching Hospital
  • Kesang D Bist Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU. Teaching Hospital
  • Reeta Manandhar Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU. Teaching Hospital


Adnexal mass, fallopian tube carcinoma, tumour markers


A post menopausal lady presented with vague symptoms of swelling in lower abdomen giving an impression of left adnexal mass clinically, with detection of similar finding on USG and CT scan, and an additional feature suggestive of liver metastases. On laparotomy this looked like a fallopian tube carcinoma and it was confirmed histologically, which showed infiltration of both the ovaries, left broad ligament, and cervix. FNAC of lymph node depicted metastatic adenocarcinoma, although the tumour markers and Pap test were negative. Patient's refusal to undergo chemotherapy turned down all the efforts made in making the diagnosis of this advanced malignancy.

Key words: Adnexal mass, fallopian tube carcinoma, tumour markers  


N. J. Obstet. Gynaecol Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 63 - 66 May -June 2007


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Author Biography

Neelam Pradhan, Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU. Teaching Hospital

Dr. Neelam Pradhan, Msc. Epi, FCPS
Assoc Prof, Dept of Obs/Gyn, T U. Teaching Hospital Kathmandu, Nepal.
Email: neelam.44@gmail.com


How to Cite

Pradhan, N., Ghimire, S., Bist, K. D., & Manandhar, R. (2008). Fallopian tube carcinoma: Energy lost in diagnosing without the total benefit of chemotherapy. Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2(1), 63–66. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/NJOG/article/view/1481



Case Reports