Haematometra in one half of the uterus or rudimentary horn?


  • Suniti Rawal Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital
  • Josie Baral Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital
  • Meeta Singh Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital
  • Samira Khan Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital
  • Beemba Shakya Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital
  • Rashmi Choudhary Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital
  • Mira Thapa Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital
  • Varsha Anand Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital


Endometriosis, haematometra, rudimentary horn


A unicornuate uterus with functioning and non communicating rudimentary horn is a rare Mullerian abnormality, difficult to diagnose at times usually low in the list of differential diagnosis for pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea.

A 22 years P1 presented with severe lower abdominal pain and dysmenorrhoea, following laparotomy that was done for endometriotic cyst of left ovary 7 months back. Radiographic studies revealed the haematometra in the rudimentary horn with normal uterus, right ovary and the tube.

Laparotomy with drainage of haematometra and excision of septum along with the reconstruction of uterine cavity was performed thus anatomizing it with the cavity of the rudimentary horn. Both the intra and the post operative period were uneventful. She was discharged on OCP along with the advice to follow up regularly. She is asymptomatic till date.

Key words: Endometriosis, haematometra, rudimentary horn


N. J. Obstet. Gynaecol Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 59 - 62 May -June 2007


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Author Biography

Suniti Rawal, Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital

Dr Suniti Rawal
Lecturer Dept of Obs/Gyn, TU Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu.
Email: sunudinurawal@yahoo.com


How to Cite

Rawal, S., Baral, J., Singh, M., Khan, S., Shakya, B., Choudhary, R., … Anand, V. (2008). Haematometra in one half of the uterus or rudimentary horn?. Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2(1), 59–62. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/NJOG/article/view/1480



Case Reports