Obstetric performance in elderly Nigerian women: A comparative study


  • OC Ezechi Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba Lagos, Nigeria
  • BKE Kalu Havana Specialist Hospital, Lagos Nigeria
  • OM Loto Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
  • PM Ezeobi Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba Lagos. Nigeria
  • CA Nwokoro Havana Specialist Hospital, Lagos Nigeria


Elderly, Nigerians, obstetric performance


Aims: To study the obstetric outcome in Nigerian women aged 35 years and above while comparing them with younger women matched for parity, socioeconomic class and body mass index.

Method: A cohort of 132 pregnant women aged 35 years and above with another 269 pregnant women aged 20-25 years matched for parity, socioeconomic class and body mass index seen at the obstetric unit of a multidisciplinary proprietary hospital in Lagos Nigeria. Results: There were statistically significant difference between the two group in incidence of chronic hypertension (P = 0.02), gestational diabetes (P = 0.05), symptomatic fibroid (P = 0.01), frequent hospitalisation (P = 0.007), caesarean section (P = 0.005), operative vaginal delivery (P = 0.042), Induction of labour (P = 0.024) premature delivery (P = 0.001), low birth weight (P = 0.021) and congenital abnormality but not in Preeclampsia, malpresentation, obstetric haemorrhage, wound infection and multiple pregnancy .

Conclusion: This study demonstrated that women at 35 years and above are high-risk group and should be closely supervised during pregnancy.

Keywords: Elderly, Nigerians, obstetric performance  


N. J. Obstet. Gynaecol Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 9 - 12 May -June 2007


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Author Biography

OC Ezechi, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba Lagos, Nigeria

Dr Ezechi, Oliver Chukwujekwu.
MBBS, MPA, MPH, FMCOG, FWACS, MNIM PO Box 488, Surulere, Lagos. Nigeria.
Email: oezechi@yahoo.co.uk


How to Cite

Ezechi, O., Kalu, B., Loto, O., Ezeobi, P., & Nwokoro, C. (2008). Obstetric performance in elderly Nigerian women: A comparative study. Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2(1), 9–12. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/NJOG/article/view/1468



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