Monitoring of labor with WHO modified partogram – A study report


  • Md Alauddin Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Calcutta National Medical College, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research
  • Runa Bal Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Calcutta National Medical College, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research
  • Arunangsu De Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Calcutta National Medical College, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research
  • Parthajit Mondal Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Calcutta National Medical College, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research
  • Mayoukh Chakraborty Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Calcutta National Medical College, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research


Labor monitoring, WHO modified partogram


Introduction: Partogram represents labor events. World Health Organisation (WHO) had produced a partogram in the last decade and subsequently modified it to make it easier to use. The present study was conducted to note the effectiveness of the WHO modified partogram.

Methods: Altogether 430 primigravida women, at term, having single live fetus in vertex presentation, were included for the study. The women were randomly subdivided into three groups: Group A (180 women) - monitoring of labor done by WHO modified partogram; Group B (150 women)- monitoring of labor done by WHO original partogram and 100 women in Group C (control), the labor would be monitored clinically. The results were noted in each group regarding the length of labor, vaginal delivery, cesarean sections, augmentation of labor etc. The results of Group A were compared with Group B and Group C.

Result: The comparison of the results of the Group A and Group B did not reveal any statistically significant difference. The comparison of the results of the Group A and Group C observed that significantly less number of women in Group A (4.44%) was in labor for more than 12 hours than in Group C (18%). The number of vaginal delivery was more and cesarean section was less in Group A than Group C (p < 0.05). More number of women required augmentation of labor in Group C (p<0.001).

Conclusion: WHO modified partogram, which is easier to use, gives almost the same effects as the WHO original partogram but significantly better results than clinical monitoring.


Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol.3(2) 2008; 8-11


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How to Cite

Alauddin, M., Bal, R., De, A., Mondal, P., & Chakraborty, M. (2014). Monitoring of labor with WHO modified partogram – A study report. Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 3(2), 8–11. Retrieved from



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