Application of renewable energy technology for greenhouse gas emission reduction in Nepalese context: A case study


  • Shree Raj Shakya Pulchowk Campus


greenhouse gas, climate change, global warming, renewable energy technology, clean development mechanism


Nepal is encountering various negative effects of climate change as a result of global warming from increasing green house gas emission. The major source of the emission in the context of Nepal is through the expensive uses of the petroleum fuel and unsustainable use of the fuel wood for rural household and industrial energy applications. Renewable Energy Technology based energy projects have been seen as one of the best emission mitigating energy alternative for Nepal. A case study has been done in this research paper with quantitative and qualitative analysis of reduction in greenhouse gas emission due to the implementation of the Alternative Energy Promotion Center/ Energy Sector Assistance Program subsidized/supported renewable energy technology projects consisting of solar home system, micro-hydro plant and improved cooking stove. Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) software program has been used for accounting and developing scenarios of the emission from different RET projects installed till 2003 and the targeted installations up to 2007. The result showed a considerable amount of emission mitigation. The estimated annual green house gas emission reduction due to the installation of the projects till 2003 accounts to 103,734 tonnes of CO2 equivalent and the projected emission reduction amounts to 206,869 tonnes to 552.678 tonnes CO2 equivalent from 2007 onward under different scenarios of targeted installation of the projects. The economic analysis of the projects shows the prospect of incorporating Clean Development Mechanism in this sector as well as indicates the net positive impact thus helping to promote sustainable development in the rural community. Keywords: greenhouse gas, climate change, global warming, renewable energy technology, clean development mechanism Nepalese Journal of Engineering Vol.1(1) 2005 pp.92-101


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Author Biography

Shree Raj Shakya, Pulchowk Campus

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Lalitpur-5, Nepal

How to Cite

Shakya, S. R. (2005). Application of renewable energy technology for greenhouse gas emission reduction in Nepalese context: A case study. Nepalese Journal of Engineering, 1(1), 92–101. Retrieved from


