Morphometric Measurements of Cranio-Vertebral Junction among Nepalese Population


  • Kajan Ranabhat Department of Radiology Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu
  • Suresh Bishokarma Department of Neurosurgery Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu
  • Prity Agrawal Department of Radiology Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu
  • Ram Kumar Ghimire Department of Radiology Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu



Chamberlain, Craniovertebral junction, McGregor, Nepalese, Ranawat distance


The craniovertebral junction area refers to the osseous structures consisting of the occipital bone that surrounds the foramen magnum, the atlas, and the axis vertebrae. There is sparse literature about the morph metric measurement of craniovertebral junction region. We aim to derive a range of various measurements incraniovertebral junction area. This is a hospital based single center retrospective study conducted in our center among 100 consecutive computed tomography scans of craniovertebral junction obtained in adult patients who were admitted to our tertiary hospital for treatment of non-craniovertebraljunction conditions between 2017 and 2018.Various craniovertebral junction morphology parameters were measured and confidence interval at 95% were obtained the range at 2standard deviation. Among 100 patients studied, 51% of them were males while 49% were females. Mean age was 35.1±10.4 years with range from 15 to50 years. Computed tomography measurement of craniovertebral junction revealed meanders height of 30.8±2.5 mms, dento-clivaldistance was 5.9±1.6 mms and mean McRae’s distance of 34.2±2.49 mms. Similarly, anterioratlantodental interval was calculated to be1.83±0.47 mms and posterior atlantodentalinterval was 17.72±0.21 mms while Modified RW distance was 24.43±2.09 mms and Redlund Johnell distance was calculated to be 31.5±4.29mms. Normal morphometric measurements ofcraniovertebral junction can be useful for evaluating abnormalities of the craniovertebraljunction which can potentially improve the diagnostic criteria of most abnormalities.


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Author Biographies

Kajan Ranabhat, Department of Radiology Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu

Consultant Radiologist

Suresh Bishokarma, Department of Neurosurgery Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu

MCh Neurosurgery Resident

Prity Agrawal, Department of Radiology Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu

Consultant Radiologist

Ram Kumar Ghimire, Department of Radiology Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences Bansbari, Kathmandu

Consultant Radiologist




How to Cite

Ranabhat K, Bishokarma S, Agrawal P, Ghimire RK. Morphometric Measurements of Cranio-Vertebral Junction among Nepalese Population. Nep J Neurosci [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];16(3):22-6. Available from:



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