Environmental aspects of buffer zone management programme in Royal Chitwan National Park


  • UR Kuinkhel
  • BN Oli


Buffer zone, Community forests


This study aims at providing information on the perception of local people towards buffer zone development programmes as carried out in the buffer zone area of Royal Chitwan National Park and, on the environmental consequences of such programmes. Rajahar and Dibyapuri Village Development Committees (VDCs) of Nawalparasi District were selected for this purpose. Secondary data were obtained from the reported statistics of concerned offices and from published literature. Primary data were collected through a number of participatory appraisal tools such as Focus Group Discussion, Key Informant's Interview and Household survey. Many activities were carried out in the Buffer zone, which include construction of school building, irrigation, road and bridge construction, plantation, river training and awareness programme. All of these programmes have focused for conservation and development of the park and the buffer zone. it was found that most of the respondents in both the VDCs had good perception towards buffer zone management programmes. Though there is some sort of awareness in the local communities towards environmental conservation, it needs to be expanded to a large population base with heightened awareness. The development of community forests and biogas facilities were instrumental in reducing the pressure in the forest of the park. As the buffer zone provides an added layer to the wildlife, the extent of crop and livestock depredation has been reduced with the implementation of buffer zone programmes. However, the incidence of crop damage was noticed and reported by the local people. Keywords: Buffer zone, Community forests


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How to Cite

Kuinkhel, U., & Oli, B. (2008). Environmental aspects of buffer zone management programme in Royal Chitwan National Park. Nepal Journal of Forestry, 12(3). Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/NJF/article/view/966


