IgA Vasculitis Mimicking Obstructed Umbilical Hernia and Presenting as Gastrosurgical Emergency


  • Pooja Agarwal Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8765-5795
  • Harsh Shah Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad, India
  • Jay Shah Vedant Kidney and Skin clinic, Ahmedabad, India
  • Malhar Shah Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India
  • Kalgi Baxi Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India




Abdominal pain, Acute renal failure, Henoch Schonlein purpura, IgA vasculitis, Petechiae


IgA vasculitis (previously known as Henoch-schonlein purpura) is a systemic vasculitis which is more common in children than in adults. The classical triad clinically suggests the diagnosis includes purpuric rash, arthritis and abdominal pain. We report a case of a forty-seven-year-old male presented with an acute abdomen to a gastro-surgeon, and on exploratory laparotomy, multiple petechial lesions were found on the entire intestinal walls. Multiple petechiae were present over both the legs and hands as well, which prompted a dermatological consult, and the diagnosis of IgA vasculitis was confirmed with histopathological and immunofluorescence evaluation of the skin lesions.


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Author Biographies

Pooja Agarwal, Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India

Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India

Harsh Shah, Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad, India

Consultant gastrosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad, India

Jay Shah, Vedant Kidney and Skin clinic, Ahmedabad, India

Consultant Nephrologist and transplant physician, Vedant kidney and Skin clinic, Ahmedabad, India

Malhar Shah, Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India

Senior resident,Department of Dermatology, Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India

Kalgi Baxi, Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Smt N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India




How to Cite

Agarwal, P., Shah, H., Shah, J., Shah, M., & Baxi, K. (2024). IgA Vasculitis Mimicking Obstructed Umbilical Hernia and Presenting as Gastrosurgical Emergency. Nepal Journal of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology, 22(2), 32–34. https://doi.org/10.3126/njdvl.v22i2.64152



Case Reports