Data analysis methods adopted under in situ global project in Nepal


  • Bal K Joshi Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Kathmandu
  • Madhusudan P Upadhyay Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Kathmandu
  • Hari P Bimb Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Kathmandu
  • D Gauchan Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Kathmandu
  • BK Baniya Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Kathmandu



Data analysis methods, on farm research, on station research, subject areas


Synthesizing data analysis methods adopted under in situ global project in Nepal along with
variables and nature of study could be guiding reference for researchers especially to those involved
in on farm research. The review work was conducted with the objective to help in utilizing and
managing in situ database system. The objectives of the experiment, the structure of the treatments
and the experimental design used primarily determine the type of analysis. There were 60 papers of
this project published in Nepal. All these papers are grouped under 8 thematic groups namely 1.
Agroecosystem (3 papers), 2. Agromorphological and farmers’ perception (7 papers), 3. Crop
population structure (5 papers), 4. Gender, policy and general (15 papers), 5. Isozyme and
molecular (6 papers), 6. Seed systems and farmers’ networks (5 papers), 7. Social, cultural and
economical (11 papers) and 8. Value addition (8 papers). All these papers were reviewed basically
for data type, sample size, sampling methods, statistical methods and tools, varieties and purposes.
Descriptive and inferential statistics along with multivariate methods were commonly used in on
farm research. Experimental design, the most common in on station trial was least used. Study over
space and time was not adopted. There were 5 kinds of data generated, 45 statistical tools adopted
in eight different crop species. Among the 5 kinds of data under these eight subject areas,
categorical type was highest followed by discrete numerical. Binary type was least in frequency.
Most of the papers were related to rice followed by taro and finger millet. Cucumber and pigeon
pea were studied least. Descriptive statistics along with Χ2, multivariate analysis and regression
approaches would be appropriate tools. Similarly SPSS and MINITAB may be good software. The
best one among a number of statistical tools should be selected and utmost care must be exercised
while collecting data.

Key words:
Data analysis methods; on farm research; on station research; subject areas

DOI: 10.3126/narj.v6i0.3371

Nepal Agriculture Research Journal
Vol.6 2005 pp.98-108


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How to Cite

Joshi, B. K., Upadhyay, M. P., Bimb, H. P., Gauchan, D., & Baniya, B. (2010). Data analysis methods adopted under in situ global project in Nepal. Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, 6, 98–108.


