Estimation of Production Function of Hiunde (Boro) Rice
Estimate, Hiunde rice, production functionAbstract
Hiunde (Boro) rice has not been popularized due to least attention given to this crop in Nepal. Inorder to estimate the production function of this crop, a field survey in Morang district during
2002/2003 was carried out using a semi-structured questionnaire. The primary information was
collected through face to face interview. The result of the empirical model of Cobb-Douglas
production function revealed the model significant at 1% level and defined 95% variation in
Hiunde rice production due to variation in independent variables included in the model. The
coefficient of area, nitrogen, phosphorous, and tractor hour were found significant at 1% level
while the dummy for more than 10 times of irrigation was significant at 5% level and up to 10
times of irrigation and potash was significant at 10% level. The effect of human and bullock
labor was found non-significant. Among the sampled farmers the average cropping intensity was
194% and average yield of Hiunde rice was 4802.50 kg/ha. On an average 131 kg of nitrogen,
phosphorous and potash was applied for one ha and 15 irrigations in average. The net benefit
from Hiunde rice was found to be Rs. 14507.41/ha with 1.73 benefit cost ratio. About 31% cost
was incurred in land preparation and transplanting which was highest among the operations. It
was followed by the costs incurred in fertilizers and agrochemicals which counted 23%.
Key words: Estimate; Hiunde rice; production function
DOI: 10.3126/narj.v7i0.1874
Nepal Agriculture Research Journal Vol.7 2006 pp.88-97
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How to Cite
Bhujel, R., & Ghimire, S. (2009). Estimation of Production Function of Hiunde (Boro) Rice. Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, 7, 88–97.
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