Participatory Varietal Evaluation of Rainy Season Tomato under Plastic House Condition
Participatory, plastic house, rainy season, tomatoAbstract
Four tomato varieties namely LTH-61, Avinash-2, NSITH-162 and BL-410 were evaluated infarmer's field with farmers participation under plastic house condition for yield potential and
other yield characters at Hemja, Kaski (920 masl) during rainy seasons of two consecutive years
2002 and 2003. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with 5
replications, farmer as a replication. NSITH-162 took the shortest period of days to flowering
and first harvest with an average of 36 and 66 days after transplanting respectively. Fruit set
after flowering was highest in NSITH-162 (93.9%) and the lowest in Avinash-2 (83.1%).
NSITH-162 produced the highest marketable fruit yield (89.05 t/ha) and Avinash-2 produced the
lowest (51.98 t/ha). The results of the experiment revealed that the hybrid varieties NSITH-162
and LTH-61 have more yield potentiality than open pollinated variety BL-410 and Avinash-2 an
Indian hybrid variety and therefore NSITH-162 variety could be recommended for commercial
production under plastic house condition.
Key words: Participatory; plastic house; rainy season; tomato
DOI: 10.3126/narj.v7i0.1860
Nepal Agriculture Research Journal Vol.7 2006 pp.11-15
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How to Cite
Pandey, Y., Pun, A., & Upadhyuy, K. (2009). Participatory Varietal Evaluation of Rainy Season Tomato under Plastic House Condition. Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, 7, 11–15.
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology
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