Early Experience with Transobturator Tape in Management of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence


  • Bhairab Kumar Hamal Department of Surgery, Shree Birendra Hospital.
  • Bharat Bahadur Bhandari Department of Surgery, Shree Birendra Hospital.
  • Narayan Thapa Department of Surgery, Shree Birendra Hospital.




outcome, stree urinary incontinence, transobturator tape.


Introduction: Female stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a fairly common problem, with widely varying prevalence rates primarily due to inconsistencies in the definitions of SUI and also due to differences in the populations studied. Surgery is the definitive treatment for women who have failed a trial of conservative treatment. Although hundreds of different surgical procedures have been described, and published in literature, the ideal surgical technique that is simple, inexpensive and easy to learn and perform, with high efficacy needs yet to be established. One of the procedures, the transobturator sling (TOT), which is a subfascial sling, is a new, simple and most promising surgical technique with a good outcome.

Methods: This is a prospective observational study undertaken in 20 patients of stress incontinence who underwent a TOT with outside-in technique between Jan 2010 and Jan 2012 . Various outcomes were recorded and patients were followed up for a period of at least 1 year post surgery.

Results: Out of 20 patients, satisfactory outcome of TOT was observed in 85% of cases. A total of 17 patients were completely satisfied, whereas 3 patients were partially satisfied. There were a few procedure-related complications which could be managed either intraoperativelyor during the follow up.

Conclusions: The transobturator tape (TOT) is an effective treatment of SUI with high patient satisfaction and less morbidity. However, a larger study and longer follow up is recommended to verify our initial results.  

Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital; January-June 2013/vol.12/Issue1/18-22

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/mjsbh.v12i1.9087     


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How to Cite

Hamal, B. K., Bhandari, B. B., & Thapa, N. (2013). Early Experience with Transobturator Tape in Management of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence. Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital, 12(1), 18–22. https://doi.org/10.3126/mjsbh.v12i1.9087



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