Effects of Food and Nutritional Behavior on Health Status of the Elderly Buddhists


  • Bishnu G.C. Janamaitri Multiple Campus




Elderly Buddhists, food behavior, nutritional practices, health status, care


The study entitled “Effects of Food and Nutritional Behavior on Health Status of the Elderly Buddhists" was conducted in Kathmandu Valley. The main objective of this study was to analyze the existing food and nutritional behavior and its effects on health of elderly Buddhists. The study was based on descriptive design with quantitative nature. Convenient sampling method was applied to collect the data and altogether 640 elderly Buddhists including of 320 male and 320 female were selected as a sample for study. Structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Nearly 41% elders were in age Group 60-64 years. The highest sex ratio was 141. The mean age of male elders was 68 years and 67.36 years for female. Nearly 90.9% of male elders and 83.7% female elderly Buddhists had good knowledge on nutritious and preventive food elements. 42.3% of male elders and 47.5 female elders were vegetarian in their late elderly ages. Elderly Buddhists preferred cereals, seasonal fruits and vegetables as 70.4%, 57.7% and 63.5% respectively in their first priority during late elderly ages. Nearly 89% male and 82% female elderly Buddhists were in the favor of healthy food behavior for healthy being. It is concluded that the elderly age is very critical in terms of health and wellbeing. In this study, the proportion of elderly male and female Buddhists in age group above sixty years seems satisfactory in comparison of the national elderly population proportion and sex ratio. In fact behavior of healthy food habit of elderly Buddhists was so good because of their good socio-economic status, cultural norms and values, respect for the elders and urban life style. The elderly Buddhists themselves, family members, community and the government policy should be careful on food and nutrition practices and programs for promotion of elderly health and wellbeing longer.


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Author Biography

Bishnu G.C., Janamaitri Multiple Campus





How to Cite

G.C., B. (2021). Effects of Food and Nutritional Behavior on Health Status of the Elderly Buddhists. JMC Research Journal, 10(01), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.3126/jmcrj.v10i01.51294


