Clinical Study of Ectopic Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Nepal


  • Narinder Kaur Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Lumbini Medical College Teaching Hospital
  • Shreyashi Aryal Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital


ectopic pregnancy, emergency laparotomy, salpingectomy


Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy is a cause of pregnancy related mortality and its incidence is on the rise. The aim of modern management of ectopic pregnancy should be to diagnose ectopic pregnancy accurately, so that women can seek prompt diagnosis and treatment and optimize their future fertility.

Methods: This prospective study was done for a period of one year in patients suspected clinically to have ectopic pregnancies which were subsequently confirmed by pregnancy test and ultrasonography (n=17). The following parameters: age and parity of the patient, relevant past medical and surgical history, significant clinical findings at presentation, management done and outcome of the management were noted.

Results: Most patients 13 (76.47%) were in the age group of 20-25 years and 16 (94.11%) of them presented with acute pain abdomen. In all cases, emergency laparotomy was performed. There were 16 cases of tubal ectopic and one of ovarian pregnancy. Right side was affected in 14 (82.35%) cases including one right sided ovarian ectopic. Tubal rupture was found in 10 (58.82%) patients. The most common 12 (75%) site of tubal pregnancy was ampullary. Salpingectomy was performed in 14 (82.35%) cases. All patients were discharged by seventh postoperative day.

Conclusion: Ectopic pregnancy can be suspected clinically by history and associated risk factors. Women presenting with acute pain abdomen with a positive urine β-hCG test should be promptly diagnosed and treated without undue delay to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

Journal of Lumbini Medical College. 2014;2(2):37-40.


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How to Cite

Kaur, N., & Aryal, S. (2016). Clinical Study of Ectopic Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Nepal. Journal of Lumbini Medical College, 2(2), 37–40. Retrieved from



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